Agenda item

Adult Learning Strategy

(i)         Joint Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director of          Children and Adult Services.

(ii)        Presentation by Jeanette Stephenson, Strategic Manager, Social Inclusion, Children and Adult Services.


The Chair introduced the Strategic Manager, Social Inclusion, Children and Adult Services, Jeanette Stephenson who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Adult Learning Strategy (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategic Manager reminded Members that the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) external review had set out the aims and drivers for an Adult Learning Strategy (ALS), with it now being in place for DCC and its Partners.  It was added that national drivers included “Skills for Growth” with the Local Employment Partnership and County Durham Economic Assessment (CDEA) being more local drivers, albeit reflecting national policies.  Members noted that service priorities included:


·        Literacy and numeracy training

·        First “full” Level 2 qualifications and first “full” Level 3 qualifications for 19-25 year olds

·        Training for learners with learning difficulties and disabilities

·        Training for support for the unemployed

·        Informal adult learning to engage the low skilled learner

·        Level 4 qualifications


The Strategic Manager commented that accordingly, a Strategic Action Plan was developed with 11 key actions under 7 main themes of:


·        Leadership and management

·        Commissioning

·        Partnership

·        Policy

·        Service redesign

·        Marketing

·        Information Advice and Guidance (IAG)


It was noted that 10 of the 11 key actions had been completed prior to Committee with the 11th, the commissioning framework, going live on the 24September 2012.  Members noted that the strategy was for 2011-2013, with the review scheduled for 2013.


The Committee were asked to take note of Key Action 5, service redesign that had produced a more streamlined, focused service, a countywide approach and with a new Skills Funding Agency (SFA) funding stream being made available regarding 16-18 apprenticeships.  The Strategic Manager also noted that Key Action 7, quality management system had been implemented and an external review by OFSTED had been favourable, a Learning and Skills health check had been carried out and Matrix Accreditation demonstrated improved quality.


Members learned that Key Action 9, delivering and supporting learning in the community had been successful with the Community Learning Trust pilot, a charity funded by DCC and the new commissioning process was now in place.  Councillors noted that Key Action 10, marketing was improving with a new 2012/13 Prospectus going through ever door and further marketing taking place via advertising on radio and on buses.


The Strategic Manager concluded by noting that the Adult Learning and Skills service had changed dramatically over the last 2 years and there as a need to grow the contract for 16-18 apprenticeships and the Adult Skills Budget.  Members noted that there would be continued development of Community Learning Trusts, working with the Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS) and the ALS would be reviewed for 2013-15.


The Chair thanked the Strategic Manager for her presentation and asked Members for their questions.


Councillors asked as regards funding sources, who carried out schemes and programmes and whether progress was being made.  The Strategic Manager noted that funding was from Government and that the Council, together with partners delivered programmes accordingly, based upon Government priorities driving the ALS.  Members noted that their was close working with organisations such as Job Centre Plus (JCP) to ensure no duplication of effort and aligning programmes.  Members noted that since the new service had been in place, there had been an increase in the number of males accessing the service (up 9% to 35%) and ethnic minorities (up 0.3% to 3.3%) with the age split now being 70% under 50 and 30% over 50 in contrast to the reverse prior to service redesign.




That the report be noted and that a further update is reported back at a future meeting of the Committee.


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