Agenda item

Quarterly Report of the Bereavement Services Manager.


The Joint Committee considered a report of the Superintendent and Registrar which provided Members with the quarterly update relating to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).


Members noted the performance figures from September 2012 to 31 December 2012 which highlighted that there was a net increase of 54 cremations on the comparable period last year.


Performance was further reported in respect of the sale of memorials sold and it was noted that, 14 plaques had been sold during the period September -December 2012/13 equal to £4592.00 income.


Moving on to report on staffing it was reported that the Superintendent and Registrar’s post was now vacant following a period of long term absence. It was noted that a full report outlining the options available to the joint committee would be presented for consideration at the next meeting in April 2013.


Details were then provided regarding the completion of the job evaluation scheme. Changes to staff’s terms and conditions had been implemented from 1 January 2013 and any financial impact had been factored into the financial monitoring report which would be reported later in the meeting.


Moving on to report operational matters the Superintendent and Registrar reported that the DCC Solicitor had now submitted the application for FSA registration in relation to the Pre-Payment Bond scheme. It was noted that this application had now been approved and further proposals could now be considered by the Joint Committee at their meeting in April 2013.


The Bereavement Services Manager then went on to provide details of the Joint Conference of Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities and the Cremation Society of Great Britain which was to be held from 1 – 3 July 2013. It was proposed that the Bereavement Services Manager and Chair to the Joint Committee attend the event at a cost of £495 per person.


Further information was reported in respect of the Green Flag Award and it was noted that an application for 2013 was to be submitted, details of the application would be reported to a future meeting.


Moving on to provide an update in respect of the recycling of metals scheme, it was noted that subject to members approval, the Chair had suggested that the next round of money to be donated from the recycling of metals, be given to St Oswald’s Hospice, Gosforth. It was further suggested that if no further nominations were put forward for future donation recipients, then the Chairman may select his/her chosen charity for the year. It was agreed that the next round of money would be donated in order of charities as per Appendix 3.




The Bereavement Services Manager went on to provide detail relating to the replacement of cremators and installation of mercury abatement plant and it was noted that full details would be presented within the feasibility study at a future meeting.


Details were then reported in respect of work which had been completed to date as highlighted in the Service Asset Management Plan and the works which were currently programmed and scheduled to be completed by the end of March 2013.


Councillor Charlton raised a query regarding the cost of the conference and whether this included travel. In response the Bereavement Services Manager advised that the cost as reported covered the conference and accommodations costs only. Councillor Dodds commented that he had found conferences to be very useful in the past and agreed that the Chair and Bereavement Services Manager should attend.


In relation to the job evaluation scheme, Councillor Temple advised that he had been contacted in his capacity as Chair of the Joint Committee by an affected employee who had raised concerns regarding an employment matter which was unique to former Derwentside employees of the Crematorium and the way in which bonus payments were made. The changes under job evaluation were resulting in a loss of income to the individual in the region of £2,000 per annum. 


Further advice as to how to respond to this employee was sought. The Clerk to the Joint Committee advised that this was matter for DCC as the employer, to discuss with the individual.


Councillor Dodds commented that he agreed that the Crematorium Joint Committee should distance themselves from the situation and forward the concerns to the appropriate officer within DCC to respond accordingly. It was also suggested that the individual should seek their own representation via a Union or alternative.



(i)                 That the content of the report with regards to current performance of the crematorium be noted.

(ii)               That the Chair and Bereavement Services Manager attend the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management Conference.

(iii)             In the absence of future nominations for future recycling income that the Chairman’s charity shall benefit.

(iv)              That the Chair of the Joint Committee shall forward the concerns of an affected employee of job evaluation, to the appropriate officer within DCC.







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