Agenda item

Report of the Clerk to the Joint Committee


The Clerk to the Joint Committee presented a brief Report setting out proposed dates for the future meetings, as requested by Members at the last meeting.  It was noted the options for dates were proposed to accommodate busy diaries of Chief Officers.  The Chair accepted that this may be the case, but that the necessity of meetings being held on a Wednesday was in order to fit around existing Member commitments.  Accordingly, the Chair believed that meetings should continue to be held on Wednesdays, as set out in the Report.




That the Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee be held on the following dates and locations for the ensuing year, with all meeting beginning at 5.30 pm.



            Wednesday 28 October 2009         -           County Hall, Durham

            Wednesday 20 January 2010         -           County Hall, Durham

            Wednesday 21 April 2010               -           County Hall, Durham

            Wednesday 21 July 2010                -           Spennymoor Town Hall


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