Agenda item

Bus Shelter - 10 Foster Terrace, Croxdale


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development which proposed the erection of a bus shelter outside a property at Foster Terrace, Croxdale (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Business Manager informed the Committee that Foster Terrace was located to the south of Croxdale on the A167 which formed part of a major bus route. Requests for a bus shelter to be erected at the location, which had a bus stop but no shelter had been made by local residents through representations to their local councillor.  The bus operators had confirmed that buses stopped frequently at the location, roughly about four times per hour.


Eighteen properties had been consulted on the proposed erection of a fully glazed shelter at the location. A total of five objections had been received from one resident which the proposed bus shelter would be erected partly outside of.  The objections to the proposed bus shelter were summarised and a response was provided to each objection.


Councillor Woods commented that it would have been helpful if the numbers of requests made to the local member had been made available.


The Committee were informed that it was not unusual for bus shelters to be erected outside properties and there were example of this throughout the County.  The bus stop itself was in a well used location and it was not unusual for people to wait in the bus shelter on the opposite side of the road to shelter from adverse weather.  This often resulted in people attempting to cross the busy carriageway on sighting the bus and did raise safety issues.


Councillor Marshall commented that similar requests had been received in his Electoral Division and on balance, felt that the request was reasonable, given the well used location, the public safety element and the weather conditions experienced through the summer and winter months.


That the recommendation contained in the report be agreed.

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