Agenda item

4/12/00451/CAC and 4/12/00450/FPA - Bracken Cottage, Bank Foot, Shincliffe, Durham

Demolition of existing hotel and dwelling and erection of two detached dwellinghouses.


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding the demolition of an existing hotel and dwelling and erection of two detached dwelling houses at Bracken Cottage, Bank Foot, Shincliffe (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.


Mr John Taylor, supporter of the application, addressed the Committee.  The site, which was approximately 2 acres in size, had been developed over a period of some 20 years and presented a somewhat piecemeal development.  The proposed development would present a more controlled approach to the site and would be set back from the road which would open up views.  The hotel on the site was currently empty and had been marketed for a considerable length of time without any interest.


Councillor Blakey, local Member, supported the application.  There had been no interest shown in the hotel despite it being marketed for a considerable length of time, and the proposed development would suit the site well.


Councillor Freeman expressed his objection to the application.  A similar application had been rejected in 2006, and he was not convinced that much had changed since that date.  Although not viable as a hotel, this was insufficient reason to build two houses on the site.



That the application be approved, subject to the conditions as outlined on the report.

Supporting documents: