Agenda item

4/12/00639/FPA - Potterhouse Substation, Front Street, Pity Me, Durham DH1 5BZ

Telecommunications tower


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding an application for a telecommunications tower at Potterhouse Substation, Front Street, Pity Me (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. He also outlined to Members the technical reasons for the erection of the mast at this location.


Members had visited the site the previous day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Councillor M Wilkes, local Member asked that the application be deferred. He had met with Planning Officers and the applicant on site and at that time a commitment had been given that photographs taken of the temporary mast would be sent to local residents for further consultation. In addition he felt that the photographs should have been placed on the planning portal. A drop-in session had also been suggested but had not been arranged.


He continued that that there were longstanding issues about noise and appearance of the proposed mast, and its visual impact from various viewpoints would be detrimental to the amenity of local residents.


In response the Principal Planning Officer advised that consultation had been carried out in accordance with statutory requirements and that whilst it was unfortunate, no undertaking had been given by the Local Planning Authority to circulate photographs or to hold a drop-in session. Additional information was usually placed on the planning portal when it constituted an amendment to the application. He added that the applicants had been fully co-operative with Planning Officers and that he considered that the application could be determined with the information provided in the report and as part of his presentation which included images of the temporary mast.


Mr Smales, from Northern Powergrid confirmed that he had agreed to provide additional photographs and had offered to meet residents but had received no further feedback to carry this out.


A Member agreed with the Principal Planning Officer that the application could be determined based on the information already provided, however other Members felt that residents should be given the opportunity to examine the additional information prior to the Committee determining the application.


Members were advised that all statutory consultation requirements had been undertaken. The Legal Officer advised that should Members resolve to defer the application there was a risk that costs could be awarded against the Local Planning Authority should the applicant submit an appeal against non-determination.





Following discussion it was Resolved:


That the application be deferred to allow the photographs to be circulated to consultees.


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