Agenda item

4/12/00637/FPA - 3 The Paddock, Gilesgate Moor, Durham

Conversion of Garage to Living Accommodation, Side and Rear Extensions and Erection of Detached Garage.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the conversion of a garage to living accommodation, side and rear extensions and the erection of a detached garage at 3 The Paddock, Gilesgate Moor (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting.


The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that Northumbrian Water Ltd had confirmed by telephone earlier in the day that the survey works referred to in the report had been carried out and that any drainage issues which may need to be addressed arising from this application could be dealt with by way of condition.


Councillor Southwell, local Member, spoke on the application.  He informed the Committee of the planning history of the site and also of the site opposite the application site, for which a planning application had previously been declined.  He informed the Committee that the access road to the site was of a gravel construction and the cost for the road was shared between three properties and expressed concern that construction traffic to the site could lead to the road being damaged.  He suggested that access problems could be alleviated by using alternative access at the east of the site.


Problems with sewerage at the entrance of the development had been experienced in the past, and Councillor Southwell expressed concern about drainage issues in the area.  He requested that the application be deferred until access issues and drainage issues had been investigated further.  This was seconded by Councillor L Thomson, local Member.


The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that a letter of objection had been received from Mr and Mrs Peeck.  The objector was unable to attend the Committee and had requested that the letter be read out.  The Principal Planning Officer read the letter to Committee and Members were provided with a copy of the photograph which accompanied the letter (for copy of letter and photograph see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer replied to the issues raised by advising that both Environmental Health and Northumbrian Water had responded that in their professional opinion, and following further investigation, issues relating to the proposed hydrotherapy pool and drainage/sewerage issues could be dealt with by way of planning conditions.  He also advised that the submitted photograph was not considered to provide any significant evidence to suggest that the officer recommendation should be changed.


Mr J McGargill, Highway Development Manager, Regeneration & Economic Development informed the Committee that the suggested alternative access to the site was from Broomside Lane, which was a major distributor road with approximately 6,000 vehicles per day, half of which were light goods vehicles and HGV’s.  The alternative access did not have dropped kerbs and there was also a grass highway verge, and the use of the access could lead to potential difficulties around damage to drains and other utilities.


Members of the Committee expressed concerns around site access and also sought greater clarification from Northumbrian Water around the issues of drainage and sewerage issues.



That the application be deferred to allow further investigations regarding access to the site and also to allow further clarity to be sought from Northumbrian Water around drainage and sewerage issues.


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