Agenda item

4/12/00591/VOC - Former Omnibus and Welfare Club, Front Street, Quarrington Hill, Durham. DH6 4QF

Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission Application 11/00479/FPA substituting Wren house type and amending parking provision together with seeking removal of s106 obligations.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the variation of condition 2 of planning application 11/00479/FPA to substitute Wren type housing and amended parking provision together with seeking the removal of s106 obligations at the former Omnibus and Welfare Club, Front Street, Quarrington Hill, Durham (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Ms C Parks addressed the Committee in opposition to the application.  The s106 money that was to come from the development was to develop a play area and create public artwork in the Quarrington Hill area, which was in need of such amenities.  The residents of Quarrington Hill had faced disruption during the development of the site with temporary traffic lights and parking for site traffic.  There may have been stronger objections to the original application if it had been known there were to be no s106 obligations.  The developers had commenced construction of the new style of houses before the matter had been brought to Committee, which was unacceptable.


The Principal Planning Office replied that he was aware of the issues in Quarrington Hill, but added that the housing market in the area was difficult and that there was now no profit to be made from the development.  The developers had the fallback position to build the houses they already had permission for.


Councillor Blakey expressed concern at the amended parking provision proposed with access onto a fast road and asked whether measures could be introduced to try and slow traffic speeds.  She also expressed concern at the proposed removal of s106 obligations as this money was important to the village of Quarrington Hill.  Councillor Bailey agreed that the s106 money would be significant to the local community.


Councillor Robinson informed the Committee that while he had some sympathy with the developer, at the same time the problems in the housing market were not the fault of the residents of Quarrington Hill.  He moved that the application be approved, but amended so that the removal of s106 obligations was not included.  This was seconded by Councillor A Bell.


Mr N Carter, Planning and Development Solicitor, advised the Committee that the existing consent for the site was subject to s106 obligations, and as such, if the Committee wished to retain the s106 obligations, then the current application should be approved subject to a Section 106 agreement.



That the application be approved, subject to the conditions detailed in the recommendations in the report and subject to a Section 106 agreement to provide for Public Art and Public Open Space within Quarrington Hill.

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