Agenda item

3/2012/0334 - Land off Primrose Hill, Newfield, Bishop Auckland

Outline application for the erection of nine dwellings with all matters reserved


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding an outline application for the erection of nine dwellings with all matters reserved (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Inch, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


In presenting the report the Officer advised of an amendment to paragraph 55. The separation distance between the nearest residential properties along Primrose Hill and the proposed dwellings was 37m and not marginally less than 21 metres as stated in the report.


Stephen Wilson and Jackie Stanton, local residents, and Neil Northend, local resident and Secretary of the Millennium Green Trust addressed the Committee.


Stephen Wilson was concerned about the close proximity of the proposed dwellings to the rear of his property and as the site was located on an incline he believed that the additional hardstanding would increase surface water flow into his garden.


The drainage system had collapsed in parts of the village and the development would exacerbate these problems. In addition the land currently provided an environment for birds and other wildlife which would be lost if the application was approved. He also considered that these proposals may lead to further development in future.


Neil Northend was concerned about access. The village was served by one main road which was not gritted in winter and was impassable in snow and ice. The road was damaged by lorries and as a new access would increase traffic this would exacerbate the problems. He reiterated the concerns expressed by Mr Wilson regarding drainage issues adding that surface water currently flowed onto the Millennium Green.


Jackie Stanton showed Members a photograph of the village and explained the problems residents were experiencing with flooding and drainage. The photograph identified areas of the village that had been flooded and the location of the blocked drains.


Jo Robison, the applicant’s agent assured residents that there were no plans for further development in the area. They had worked closely with Planning Officers to produce the scheme before Members, taking into account the proximity of neighbouring properties. At 37m the separation distance exceeded the 21m advised as a guide in Local Plan Policy H24.


The scheme was sympathetic to the street scene and fully addressed highway safety issues and parking provision was deemed to be acceptable. The concerns expressed by residents about the risk of flooding would be controlled by a condition requiring a scheme for foul and surface water drainage to be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the development commenced.


D Stewart, Highways Officer stated that traffic flows in the village were modest and would remain so with a development of this size. The number of dwellings proposed would not generate the need for a Transport Statement. He acknowledged the comment that Primrose Hill was not on a gritting route, although added that it was not unusual for villages across the County to fall outside winter salting routes.


In considering the application the Committee discussed the drainage problems referred to.  It was suggested that condition 9 be amended to require the developer to submit a scheme for foul and surface water drainage for the whole village but Members were advised that this would not be reasonable. Some Members felt that in view of the serious concerns of the residents the application should be deferred until the drainage issues were resolved. A motion was proposed and seconded to this effect but was unsuccessful.


Discussion continued and whilst Members sympathised with residents they acknowledged that as no objections had been offered by either the Environment Agency or Northumbrian Water, and that the provision of adequate drainage on site could be dealt with by condition, the application should be approved.


However in approving the application Members felt that the drainage issues in the village referred to by residents should be explored outside the planning application process. It was therefore suggested that the Chair and Vice-Chair investigate the current position with Officers, and report back to the Committee.


Councillor Williams asked that it be recorded that he had voted against the application.






(i)                 the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report;


(ii)               the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee investigate the current position with regard to drainage issues in Newfield and report back to the Committee.






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