Agenda item

Corporate Complaints, Compliments, Comments and Suggestions - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services, which provided the performance information and learning outcomes in relation to the two types of complaints (Statutory and Non-Statutory) which the Council dealt with (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Service Improvement Team Leader was in attendance to deliver the report and an overview presentation of the statutory, non statutory and Local Government Ombudsman complaints received throughout the period (for copy of slides see file of Minutes)


In referring to the outstanding decisions which were awaited from the Local Government Ombudsman, a Member queried how long those decisions had been outstanding. The Service Improvement Team Leader advised that she would get a response to the Member following the meeting.


The Chairman referred to the previous meeting of the Committee, when concerns had been raised in relation to planning related complaints. Members of the Committee would benefit from more detailed information in relation to planning complaints, as it was acknowledged that some complaints would be about the outcome of planning applications rather than planning procedure, and it would be useful to have a breakdown of that information. The Service Improvement Team Leader agreed to arrange for the Head of Planning or relevant delegate officer to attend the next meeting of the Committee to provide further information.


In response to a query from a Member, the Service Improvement Team Leader advised that the environment within the Council was taken into account when complaints were being considered. Complaints which were made against Council Policy would be recorded as unjustified complaints, however they would be used at a later date to inform future policy making decisions.


A concern was raised in relation to the pressure which could be placed on resources once the changes to the welfare system came into force later in the year. The Service Improvement Team Leader advised that work was currently being undertaken to assess the potential increase of demand and as such plan resources accordingly. Members were further advised that Customer Service Staff and front line officers within Revenues and Benefits were undertaking a series of briefing sessions to ensure they would be well equipped to deal with public enquiries once the welfare reform changes came into force. Members were further advised that work was being done in relation to communicating the changes to the public and signposting them to where to get assistance in relation to benefit claims.


It was noted that in relation to the Resources service area, there were a high number of complaints compared to a low number of compliments and Members queried whether some investigative work could be undertaken to assess why this was the case. The Service Improvement Team Leader advised that while no such work was currently being undertaken, she would forward on the Committee’s comments.


In relation to Neighbourhood Services, Members of the Committee requested that there gratitude and appreciation to staff be placed on record, regarding the refuse service delivery especially during adverse weather conditions. Members received a lot of praise for Council services verbally, though this was not reflected in the physical compliments which were received by the authority.




That the report be noted.


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