Agenda item

C5 / C94 Newfield - Proposed Traffic Calming & Speed Limit - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding a proposed traffic calming scheme on the C5 and C94 in Newfield (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that the proposed scheme was a local road safety scheme devised following concerns by local residents and councillors about speeding traffic.  Concerns had also been raised about extra traffic near the two village schools and a large housing development.  Officers had worked closely with the local residents group which had seen the proposed scheme split into two phases. The first phase of the scheme comprised of footpath widening, pedestrian guardrail and build-out to assist the primary school and crossing patrol, had been completed.  The second phase of the scheme comprised traffic calming and a reduction of the speed limit had met with objections, some of which had been resolved.


Mr and Mrs Buckham, local residents of Pelton Lane Ends made a number of representations to the Committee seeking the omission of the speed cushion outside their property highlighting that the road running from Edward Terrace and Newfield Terrace was busy during the day, with buses tending to use the route every 30 minutes. Emergency vehicles also used the road.  The set of proposed speed cushions at Edward Terrace would be positioned outside their property and would abut a parking area which would make it extremely difficult for people to park their vehicles.


The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that the cushion would not be placed in the parking area and would not prevent residents from parking at the location and confirmed that legally the cushion could be omitted from this particular location, however, there would be a danger that traffic would divert into a vacant parking lay-by in an attempt to avoid the next nearest speed cushion, which would have to be kept under review.


Councillor D Marshall sympathised with the residents and highlighted a number of areas across the County where similar problems have been encountered which has lead to the speed cushion being omitted from the scheme and proposed that this could be done at the location concerned.



(i)         That the scheme be agreed as per the recommendation contained in the report, with the omission of one speed cushion located at Edward Terrace, Pelton Lane Ends.


(ii)        That the success of the scheme be monitored over 12 months and, if necessary, consider the installation of the omitted cushion should any problems be identified.


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