Agenda item

Unc.27.1 Tail Upon End Lane (Henry Avenue), Bowburn - Proposed Traffic Calming Scheme - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding a proposed traffic calming scheme for three sets of two speed cushions and a chicane on the unclassified 27.1 Tail Upon Lane, commonly known as Henry Avenue, Bowburn (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee were informed that the scheme was for three sets of two speed cushions and the installation of a chicane in the area between 32-34 Henry Avenue, Bowburn.  Thirteen responses to the consultation were received, with 3 replies against the proposed restrictions which were summarised in the report.  The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that another objector had come forward since the publication of the report and was present at the meeting.


The spokesperson for those objectors in attendance at the meeting explained to the Committee that they were not opposed to traffic calming in the area, but felt that the scheme presented was expensive.  There was a specific objection to the proposed chicane which, if introduced, would create a hazard for emergency vehicles, buses and children who played in the area.  It was also felt that a chicane would create congestion and encourage motorists to ‘rat-run’ through the immediate area.  The objectors also expressed concern that work on the scheme had seemingly already commenced given that on two occasions over the past week residents had witnessed Durham County Council vehicles, sub-contractors and temporary traffic management facilities on site.


The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that the sequence of events referred to by the objectors was purely coincidental and confirmed that the Council had no scheduled work in the area, however, British Gas had been carrying out temporary ongoing work in the since 3 November.  Durham County Council vans had been present onsite in preparation for the scheme if it were to be agreed and was standard procedure for possible traffic calming schemes.


Councillors Blakey and Williams, local councillors for the area informed the Committee that they did wish to introduce traffic calming in the area given that a speed survey had indicated that 82% of traffic had travelled over the speed limit.  The Parish Council had also raised the issue with the Councillors on numerous occasions. There had also been a number of unreported accidents that had taken place. There was a feeling that but felt that the installation of speed cushions would have been considered acceptable, however, the installation of a chicane was a ‘step too far’.


Councillor Williams also added that the activity witnessed by local residents, coincidental or otherwise, that had taken place prior to the Committee meeting had not portrayed the Council in a particularly good light.


Councillor Stradling commented that it was clear from discussions that local residents and councillors were not opposed to the merits of the scheme and was minded to support the wishes of the local councillors and residents and suggested that the scheme could be implemented without the chicane and the scheme be monitored accordingly.


The Committee discussed the various other options at length, including the use of rumble strips, gateway features and speed visor signage. The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that the original scheme was to introduce speed cushions over the entire stretch of road, however, the cost of scheme was very expensive.




(i)         That the installation of speed cushions be progressed in accordance with the scheme detailed in the report;


(ii)        That the proposed chicane be omitted from the scheme at the present time, but that the situation be kept under review.


Prior to the consideration of the following item, the Committee took a break in proceedings for those who wished to attend the Remembrance Day service taking place in the Council Chamber foyer.

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