Agenda item

4/12/00637/FPA - 3 The Paddock, Gilesgate Moor

Conversion of garage to living accommodation, side and rear extensions and erection of detached garage.



The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding the conversion of a garage to living accommodation, side and rear extensions and the erection of a detached garage at 3 The Paddock, Gilesgate Moor (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members of the Committee had visited the site on 9 October 2012 and were familiar with the location and setting.


The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that this application had been deferred from its meeting on 9 October 2012 to allow further investigations to be carried out regarding access to the site and to allow further clarity to be sought from Northumbrian Water Ltd around drainage and sewerage issues.  These investigations had now been completed and the report incorporated an additional section which provided the updated details.


Mrs J Peak, local resident, addressed the Committee.  She informed the Committee that sewer and flooding problems in the area had not been addressed and that Northumbrian Water Ltd was not undertaking survey work in the area.  Also, the report did not mention the flood alleviation works which were carried out in the Rowantree Avenue area some three years ago.  She therefore felt that the report and Planning Officers comments to Committee were misleading.  Photographic evidence of foul sewage spills had been provided and until this issue was resolved there would be no improvement, and the application being considered would add 50% to the area of the building.  The application would lift part of the property by some 8 centimetres and provide a ramp into the new garage, and this could cause problems with the discharge of the additional surface water.


Mrs Peak then referred to access to the site while works were being carried out.  The project was anticipated to last some 5 to 7 months, during which time the neighbouring properties would suffer a loss of amenity.  The tonnage for deliveries to the site would be in excess of what the access was constructed to take.  Any works to be carried out to properties at The Paddock required the written permission of the developer of the properties, and it was unknown whether this had been obtained.


The Principal Planning Officer replied that drainage issues had been investigated and that the County Council was reliant on information provided by Northumbrian Water Ltd, who had advised that drainage and sewage issues could be resolved through the implementation of approved planning conditions.  Access issues were a private matter between the developer and residents and the permission of the developer was a private legal issue.


Councillor Thomson, local Member, addressed the Committee.  He referred to the comments made by Councillor Southwell at the meeting on 9 October, which resulted in the matter being deferred until Northumbrian Water could confirm that drainage issues could be addressed in an appropriate manner.  This now appeared to have done and he asked that Planning Officers, contractors and Northumbrian Water Ltd worked closely together on drainage issues and ensure local Members were made aware of any problems that arose.  Alternative access to the site did not appear to be possible, and Councillor Thomson asked that all possible consideration be given to the residents of The Paddock during construction works and that access land was reinstated once works had been completed.


The Committee expressed concern at drainage issues in the area and whether this proposed development would exacerbate the possibility of flooding in the area.  Councillors Moran and Holland also expressed concern about access to the site by construction traffic and asked whether an alternative access could be taken off Broomside Lane.


The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that a detailed report on drainage issues had been received from Northumbrian Water Ltd, and this had been summarised in the report to Committee.  The Highway Development Manager informed the Committee that Broomside Lane was not considered as an appropriate access to the site.  The road had traffic flows of 8,000 vehicles a day.  Works to the traffic signals in this location were scheduled to take place in April 2013 to increase their capacity in line with the development of Belmont Industrial Estate.  Once these works had taken place, queues would extend up to 90 metres, which would be up to where the proposed alterative access would be.  Also, there was a 315mm high pressure water pipe under the grass verge which access would need to be taken over, which would need protecting or diverting, as well as the need to remove and then reinstate the grass verge once the works were completed.


Councillor Blakey asked whether consideration had been given to imposing a one-way system for access to the site, with vehicles entering the site through the gates to The Paddock, then leaving by an alternative access onto Broomside Lane, with no right turn.  The Highway Development Manager replied that this had not been discussed but could be considered.


Councillor Brown informed the Committee that a full report from Northumbrian Water on flooding and sewerage problems in the area should be provided.  The Planning and Development Solicitor advised the Committee that it could be an express wish from the Committee that officers approached Northumbrian Water Ltd for such a report, but this could not be part of a planning condition.  Councillor Thomson requested that such a report be shared with the local Members and Parish Council.



That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

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