Agenda item

PL/5/2012/0305 & PL/5/2012/312 CAC - Westfields, Hawthorn Village, SR7 8SG

Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of two dwellings.


The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding the demolition of an existing bungalow and erection of two dwellings at Westfields, Hawthorn Village (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting.


The Principal Development Management Engineer informed the Committee that the access road to the proposed development was a Type 4 Access Way, which could accommodate up to 20 dwellings.  There were currently 7 dwellings on this road.  There had been a delay in this road being adopted due to negotiations with Northumbrian Water Ltd., but these negotiations had now been completed and the developer was being pursued to finalise adoption.


Mr Robinson, a resident of Hawthorn Village, addressed the Committee.  The Village, which became a Conservation Area some 40 years ago, had undergone dramatic changes on recent years, particularly to the north.  The buildings in this area were large and out of character with the village and detracted from the appearance of the Conservation Area.  This application was not conservation, it was the demolition of a bungalow to be replaced with two detached houses.  This conflicted with Policies 22,35 and 67 of the saved district of Easington Local Plan, and consideration should be given to enlarging the bungalow currently on the site to create two semi-detached bungalows.  Residents of the village felt badly let down by the properties already built in the area of this application, and a more favourable design concept should be sought.


Mrs Stephenson, applicant, addressed the Committee.  She informed the Committee that the proposed development would enhance the entrance to Hawthorn Village and levelling out and balance the development to the east, especially through the choice of materials to be used.  The proposed development would be an improvement to the bungalow currently on the site and the landscaping would remain the same, with only a couple of shrubs to be removed.  The current properties on St Michael’s Drive, which were all two storey, overlooked the bungalow currently on the development site.  No objections had been received from residents to the east of the village, on whom the development would have the greatest impact.


The Principal Planning Officer responded to the issues raised.  He informed the Committee that conservation was not preservation.  Conservation Areas were changing entities and there was a need to ensure that developments respected the Conservation Area.


Councillor Taylor informed the Committee that the earlier site visit had bee very beneficial  to observe the proximity and height of the dwellings on St Michael’s Drive.  The proposed development was appropriate for the area and would enhance the entrance to the village.


Councillor Bleasdale agreed that the application site was appropriate for proposed the development.



That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

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