Agenda item



The Minutes of the meeting held on 18 October 2012 were agreed as a correct record and were signed by the Chair.


Matter Arising from the Minutes


3d       3/2012/0334 – Land off Primrose Hill, Newfield, Bishop Auckland

            Drainage Issues


            Members were advised that the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee

had met with a Project Engineer from Neighbourhood Services to investigate the current position with regard to drainage issues raised by residents of Newfield at the last meeting of the Committee.


The Chair informed Members of the current position in relation to the following areas that DCC had received complaints about:-


Stonebank Terrace - a works instruction had been issued to repair the broken pipe in the grass verge and encase it concrete for protection. The works should be completed by the end of November or early December 2012;


Grey Street – there was a 25mm check between the adopted highway and the unadopted street. Water test and inspections had found that water did not flow from the adopted highway onto the unadopted highway unless there was a severe storm, such as that experienced on 28 June 2012. 




That the information given be noted.


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