Agenda item

Summary Review of Premises Licence - The Prince of Wales, West Auckland


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which gave details of an application for a summary review of the Premises Licence in respect of The Prince of Wales, West Auckland (for copy see file of Minutes).


A copy of the application and certificate made by Durham Constabulary in accordance with Section 53A of the Licensing Act 2003 had been circulated to Members. 


Sgt T Robson, Durham Constabulary addressed the Sub-Committee and advised that the application had been made as a result of a covert operation by the Police following intelligence that indicated that the public house had been used as a place to supply cocaine.


Members were informed of an operation that had taken place on 7 December 2012, details of which were provided by Sgt Robson and were set out in the application circulated to the Sub-Committee.


As a result of the operation cocaine was recovered to the value of approximately £960 and the hard drive from the public house had been seized. At the time of the operation 20-30 people were in The Prince of Wales.


From the intelligence and evidence gained it appeared that the male was supplying controlled drugs from the public house.  Both the male and the DPS of the premises were believed to be linked to an Organised Crime Group.


At 10.30am Members retired to deliberate the application in private. After re-convening at 10.40am the Chair delivered the Sub-Committee’s decision.


In determining the application, the Sub-Committee had considered the application by Durham Constabulary and the verbal representations of Sgt Robson, together with Section 53A Summary Review Guidance, Section 182 Guidance issued by the Secretary of State and the Council’s Licensing Policy.




That in view of the serious nature of the information provided and the clear implications that the premises were associated with serious crime the Premises Licence be suspended with immediate effect.   

Supporting documents: