Agenda item

Durham Key Options - Update on changes to Lettings Policy

Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development – David Randall, Senior Policy Officer, Regeneration and Economic Development.


The Chair introduced the Senior Policy Officer, David Randall who was in attendance to give Members an update as regards changes to the Lettings Policy (for copy see file of minutes).


The Senior Policy Officer commented that most of the proposed changes had been agreed including: the consolidation of the Bands into which applicants are placed from A to F, where F was the reduced priority band, down to A to E; new proposals as regards under-occupancy to give those in under-occupancy priority in light of Welfare Reform changes; removal of applicants from the register for a period of 6 months should they arbitrarily refuse 3 properties or not respond to 3 offers within a 6 month period; and changes to Armed Forces preference would be made in line with Government guidance.  It was noted that the suggestion that those that had been able to demonstrate a “positive contribution” to the community should be allocated to Band D had been seen as being unfair by consultees and would not be taken forward. Councillors noted that and that the Council homeless duty will be amended such that the time given to bid for a property will be reduced from 12 weeks to 6 weeks, initial suggestions of 4 weeks having been felt as being too short a time by consultees.  Members were reassured that vulnerable groups would retain their main housing priority should they refuse an offer of private rented accommodation.


The Chair thanked the Senior Policy Officer and asked Members for their questions. 


In reference to a question from Councillor M Wilkes, the Senior Policy Officer noted that objections to the preference for those demonstrating a “positive contribution” were from a range of consultees, including applicants, partners and agencies.  It was added that the majority of the objections were from applicants and that issues as regards being able to define voluntary contribution was proving difficult for Local Authorities.  Members noted that in many cases, it would be possible for their needs to be met via welfare/hardship arrangements.


The Senior Policy Officer noted, further to comment from Councillor M Wilkes on attracting private landlords to use DKO, that there was a pilot scheme relating to private landlords. 


The Housing Solutions Manager, Lynn Hall added that Housing and officers in RED were busy finalising “what we want” from private landlords before advertising via DKO, and looking at issues of charging should the numbers coming forward present a resource issue.  The Senior Policy Officer noted that Government guidance set out quality as regards gas, electricity, health and safety and so on for landlords.  Members noted that it would be important to have regular updates on the matter, the Senior Policy Officer agreed that the situation would be monitored and with feedback to Members via Overview and Scrutiny.






(i)         That the report containing the agreed changes to the DKO Lettings      Policy be noted.


(ii)        That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee   receive an update report on the progress of the DKO Lettings Policy at      a future meeting.


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