Agenda item

7/2012/0199/DM - Greenfields Nursing Home, Alston Crescent, Newton Aycliffe

Demolition of former Greenfields Nursing Home and redevelopment to create 22no. dwellings


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of the former Greenfields Nursing Home and redevelopment to create 22no. dwellings (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Inch, Principal Planning Officer advised that the application had been approved by the Committee in September 2012, however for the reasons outlined in the report it was now proposed that the provision of affordable housing be reduced from 100% to 30%, and that the developer make a financial contribution of £15,000 towards off-site open space provision/improvement.


Mr Atkinson, the applicant was in attendance to respond to Members’ questions and gave an assurance that the reason for the reduction in affordable housing was because the financial institutions funding the development were unable to enter into a legal agreement guaranteeing 100% affordable housing in perpetuity.


In discussing the application Members noted that despite the reduction, 30% affordable housing provision was double the requirement for the area.


The Chair noted that the applicant’s intentions to develop the site for Livin had not changed, with the proposed dwellings to be used as affordable rented accommodation. The financial contribution towards off-site recreation facilities in the area was welcomed.


Councillor Tomlinson offered his full support to the revised scheme which he considered was still a very good proposition, particularly in view of the current housing climate.  


Councillor Boyes asked if the financial contribution for recreational facilities would include proposals for a MUGA. The Member was advised that on-site recreation facilities was not feasible for a scheme of this size and that the Section 106 Agreement would secure a contribution towards off-site open space provision/improvement. A decision as to how the commuted sum of £15,000 was allocated would be subject to negotiation.




That the application be approved subject to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure the provision of 7 affordable housing units with a financial contribution of £15,000 towards off-site open space provision/improvement, and to the conditions previously agreed in the report dated 20 September 2012.


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