Agenda item

Risk Register Update 2012/13:

Joint Report of the Corporate Director of Neighbourhood Services and the Corporate Director of Resources / Treasurer to the Joint Committee.


The Joint Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director Neighbourhood Services and Corporate Director Resources: Treasurer to the Joint Committee which provided an update with regards to the Risk Register for the Durham Crematorium Committee, in accordance with the arrangements established for the routine reporting of risk issues.


It was reported that a the Risk Register had been reviewed in January 2013 in accordance with the Durham County Council methodology / approach to Risk Management and updated accordingly.


The Head of Finance (Financial Services) commented that the Risk Register team frequently commented upon the Crematorium’s staff and their pro-active approach to managing risk. The report further provided assurance to the joint committee that risks were being adequately managed.


Councillor Holland raised a query with regard to the risk identified relating to Pre-Payment Cremations Bonds and asked for further clarification on this risk. In response the Superintendent and Registrar advised that as this scheme had not yet been implemented the risk was in fact theoretical. As uptake and charges were not yet known the level of risk could not be determined accurately.


Further discussion took place regarding the scheme and how payments would be held. It was noted that the Crematorium would hold the payments as an earmarked receipt and would during that time gain interest. Further details on the scheme would be reported at a future meeting.



(i)                 That members note the content of the report and the updated position following the January review.

(ii)               That the Risk Registers be kept up to date and continue to be reviewed by Joint Committee on a half yearly basis the next one to be completed in June 2013. 

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