Agenda item

4/12/00997/FPA - Land at Rowan Court and The Oaks, Esh Winning, Durham

Demolition of remaining dwellings on site and redevelopment with erection of 78 no. dwellings.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding the demolition of remaining dwellings on site and redevelopment with the erection of 78 no. dwellings at land at Rowan Court and The Oaks, Esh Winning (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting. The Senior Planning Officer advised the Committee of a late update to the application, made since the report had been prepared and circulated, as follows:


In relation to Condition 5 of application 4/12/00997/FPA – The condition could be removed as Highways considered that the shared surfaces on the amended layout submitted by the applicant, was an appropriate design.


Councillor Chaplow, local member, addressed the Committee. She advised Members that the development was welcomed locally and would be beneficial to the area. She supported the application wholeheartedly and felt that the redevelopment would complete the village and attract families into the area. Speaking in regard to the houses already erected on the development, Councillor Chaplow advised the Committee that the design was extremely pleasing and revitalised the area.


Councillor Wilkinson, local member, addressed the Committee. He advised that the original estate on that land had been erected during the 1960’s and by 2005 it was evident that those properties were no longer sustainable. A more attractive environment was needed for that particular part of the village. The current houses were unlettable and were not sustainable, however the new development would give residents pride in the area. The proposals addressed local need and Councillor Wilkinson advised that nearby residents were delighted with the development which had already commenced. Councillor Wilkinson also drew attention to the benefits which the Section 106 monies would bring to the area and that the development was what was needed to complete the west end of the village.


Councillor Charlton spoke in support of the application and moved that it be approved.


Councillor Moran acknowledged that there were currently two dwellings on the site which remained occupied. He was aware that the Housing team were dealing with that issue and he hoped that a mutual agreement could be reached between the Council and the residents.


In seconding the motion for approval, Councillor A Bell commented that it had been pleasing to revisit the site earlier that day and view the regeneration which had already been made in the area.


Resolved: That the application be approved, subject to the conditions outlined in the report, with the exception of condition 5.


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