Agenda item

Precept Determination 2013/14 - Report of Police and Crime Commissioner


The Panel considered a report of the Police and Crime Commissioner which advised of the proposed level of precept for 2013/2014 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Commissioner presented the proposals put forward by the Treasurer and the Chief Constable and outlined budgetary pressures facing the Police over the next 4 years.


The report gave details of the budget and savings proposed in 2013/2014 together with the precept to be levied in the financial year.  The Commissioner also highlighted key proposals for expenditure from the Capital Budgets for 2012/2013 and 2013/2014.


N Vaulks noted that proposals for the new Police Headquarters at Aykley Heads would be funded through capital receipts. He considered that it would be useful for details of capital receipts to be included in future budget reports.


The Panel also noted the proposals for the modular build at Newton Aycliffe on the existing site which would be welcomed by the community.


In response to a question about budgetary pressure and whether this would have an impact on tackling domestic abuse and hate crime the Commissioner assured the Panel that this would continue to be a priority and outlined proposals which aimed to bring about an improvement in service delivery.




That the proposed precept for 2012/2013 as outlined in the report be accepted.


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