Agenda item

PL/5/2012/0411 - Evergreen Caravan Park, Coast Road, Crimdon Dene, TS27 4BW

Removal of planning condition no.3 of PLAN/2008/0554 – Relocation of dwelling (resubmission).




The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding the development of a dwelling (resubmission) at Blue House Farm, Hesleden Road, Blackhall (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. 


Mr Drummond, applicant, addressed the Committee. He began by advising that when the application had originally been considered and approved by the planning committee of the former Easington District Council, no restrictions had been applied in relation to the occupation of the property. The only consideration for the applicant when he made an application for the relocation of the dwelling in 2008, was for personal reasons and that application was subsequently withdrawn, though it was not a new application.


Mr Drummond pointed out that the caravan site was a retirement park as opposed to a seasonal holiday site, and as such the site did not require a managers dwelling, and he argued that while he was a company shareholder, his house was a separate entity which was removed from the site as a business.


Members were advised that when the application to relocate was under consideration in 2008, it was deemed to be contrary to PP17. Mr Drummond stated that in fact the only grounds for justification were exceptional circumstances and at that time there was no mention of tied occupancy.


When the original application had been approved, Mr Drummond acknowledged that there was a discussion and that ultimately he did agree to the proposed tie between the dwelling and the business, though he had not had an opportunity to seek legal advice.


Mr Drummond further advised that for as long as the planning permission was tied to the business, he was unable to obtain an approximate £15,000 VAT rebate paid on the self build of the dwelling. He was also concerned about the future, as should he resort to selling the property, he felt his son would be unable to take the property on.


The Principal Planning Officer advised the Committee that the bungalow had originally occupied a more central location and was inextricably linked to the operation of the park, while the current site was much more isolated. Members were advised that when considering the application, regard must be given to current planning policy context and there was no information to allow for a dwelling outside of the site, without tying it in to occupancy.


The Principal Planning Officer did acknowledge that difficulties for the future, as set out by Mr Drummond, however the condition did allow for the future of the park.


Members were advised that the dwelling was inextricably linked to the park, it was the managers property and it should continue to be tied in to the business as managers accommodation. Furthermore, Members were advised that the condition satisfied and accorded with, planning policy.


Councillor A Bell felt that the issue was a difficult one to determine, especially as the Committee were not considering a new application. He agreed with the applicant that the site was more of an estate rather than a caravan park, and appeared to be more of a residential built up area. Councillor A Bell moved to support and approve the application. This motion was seconded by Councillor Bleasdale.


Councillor Bell clarified that the reasons for moving approval were that the site was a sustainable location and it was within an already built up area.


In response to a query from the Committee, the Principal Planning Officer clarified that in 2004 the property was not built and was relocated later to the outskirts of the site.


The Principal Planning Officer further clarified that should the current occupant retire, they would be allowed to remain in the property as the last employed person on the site. The property was seen as a family home, but also as a managers home.


Councillor Moran queried whether the request to remove the condition was for financial reasons. The Applicant responded advised that was not reason for the application and reiterated his earlier statement.


Councillor Iveson queried what would happen with the property should the caravan park be put up for sale. The Principal Planning Officer advised that the condition did allow for the manager to stay on in residence.


Seconded by Councillor Liddle, Councillor Moran moved approval of the officers recommendation.


Upon a vote being taken upon each motion, it was



That the application be approved.


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