Agenda item

7/2012/0413/DM - Cleves Cross Grange, Ferryhill

Demolition of Cleves Cross Grange and erection of 12no. dwellings


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of Cleves Cross Grange, Ferryhill and the erection of 12no. dwellings (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Inch, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site. 


Mrs Lawson, an objector addressed the Committee. She lived in close proximity to the application site and was concerned that only 4 visitor car parking spaces were proposed. If approved the development would prevent residents of neighbouring properties and their visitors from having access to existing bays. In addition she was concerned that parking would be difficult for carers and emergency services.


In response to a request for clarification from the Chair, Members were advised that neighbouring residents currently parked on the Cleves Cross Grange site which was privately owned land.  


A Kitchen, on behalf of Livin Homes, the applicant stated that this was 1 of 13 sheltered housing schemes that no longer met the needs of the community. There was very little demand for this type of accommodation and the company proposed to demolish and re-develop the site to create older persons accommodation.


Livin had carried out consultation with the community including a consultation event which provided an opportunity for local residents to examine the scheme.


Currently on-site parking was private but there was existing provision for neighbouring properties to the rear of Morpeth Close, 4 of which had garages, and the scheme included 4 visitor spaces.


At the request of Members A Kitchen indicated on a plan the point at which  emergency services would access the site. The scheme would benefit from an increased turning point and a Traffic Management Plan would be put in place during construction works.


In discussing the application Members considered the parking provision and whether it would be possible to increase the number of visitor spaces.


Referring to a site plan the Principal Planning Officer explained that it would not be feasible to extend the visitor parking because of the sloped nature of the surrounding land, trees on the site and the location of a footpath to the north. However the site was in a sustainable location with good access to local bus services.


By way of clarification the Committee was advised by the Legal Officer that  the issue for consideration by Members was whether the on-site parking provision for the development was adequate. Whilst neighbouring residents currently parked on the site they had no legal right to do so as the land was in private ownership.


D Stewart, Highways Officer stated that the development would benefit from 133% parking provision. This was deemed to be acceptable for a development occupied by residents over the age of 60, as car ownership tended to be lower in this age group. The scheme would provide 4 public car parking spaces linked to the development which would be available for local residents.


In welcoming the proposals Councillor Boyes asked about on-site open space provision for the benefit of the residents. The Principal Planning Officer stated that open space would be retained on-site as detailed in the report, with further off-site provision in the vicinity.


Following discussion it was Resolved


That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to the completion of a Section 106 Obligation to secure the payment of a commuted sum in lieu of adequate on-site open space provision.




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