Agenda item

Minutes of the meeting held 14 January 2013


The Minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2013 were agreed by the Committee as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


The Chair noted that this was the last meeting that he and the Vice-Chair, Councillor A Naylor, would be Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee.  The Chair took the opportunity to thank Councillor A Naylor for her stalwart support and also Councillor B Arthur who was Vice-Chair of the previous Committee, the Building a Strong Economy Scrutiny Committee.


The Chair and Vice-Chair thanked the Co-opted Members for their support and contribution, and also noted their appreciation of the input from Partner Organisations and Outside Bodies. 


The Chair and Vice-Chair asked the Committee to note their thanks to the Officers from Durham County Council, in attending the meetings and answering the questions from the Committee.  Finally, the Chair and Vice-Chair thanked the Officers from the Overview and Scrutiny Team associated with the Committee, Feisal Jassat, Diane Close and Stephen Gwillym for their hard work and professionalism.


Councillor J Armstrong reiterated the words of the Chair and Vice-Chair and suggested that a Member who had been ill recently, was sent a card noting the best wishes of the Committee. 


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