Agenda item

North Durham Academy, Stanley - Waiting Restrictions - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding a proposed scheme of waiting restrictions around the vicinity of North Durham Academy, Stanley (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that the scheme had been devised as part of a planning condition granted in 2011 for the North Durham Academy Campus.


The scheme itself would include the introduction of various waiting restrictions around the vicinity of the academy to help deter parking problems around the school gates which would inevitably lead to congestion and access problems.


The Committee were informed that much consultation had taken place at the informal stage and questionnaires with two options had been sent to local residents affected by the proposals.  One objection had been received at the formal, statutory advertisement stage in relation to visibility on Mona Street, lay-bys in front of shops and issues of cars parking in various streets (Murray Park and Slaidburn Road).


In response to the objections received, the Strategic Highways Manager informed the Committee that work involving junction improvements, repositioning of give way markings and a right hand turn prohibition as detailed in the report would be undertaken at Mona Street.  In relation to the other restrictions, the Committee were informed that Slaidburn Road would be the main access route for pupils and for access to the staff car park which would not be wide enough to allow parking on both sides of the road, as well as maintaining two way traffic. Congestion would occur during peak hours if no parking restrictions were introduced on the Academy side of the road.



That the recommendation contained in the report be agreed.

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