Agenda item

Quarter 3, 2012/13 Performance Management Report:

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive – Graham Tebbutt, Customer and Services Intelligence Manager, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Chair introduced the Performance and Improvement Team Leader, Gemma Wilkinson who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter 3, 2012/13 Performance Management Report (for copy see file of minutes).


The Performance and Improvement Team Leader noted the information in the report related to the period October 2012 to December 2012 and reminded Members of the different types of indicators reported, Tracker indicators and Target indicators.  Councillors noted that some of the achievements in Quarter 3 included non-decency levels for Council properties being ahead of target; the number of properties being brought back into use being on target and good progress being made in respect of Apprenticeships, the Economic Regeneration Manager, Graham Wood noting that the overall figures for apprentices would be higher by the year end.  The Committee learned that £309,000 of funding had been received from the Department of Energy and Climate Change as regards energy efficiency measures and group repairs at Craghead, and noted there was potential for further British Gas Eco Funding which could facilitate works to a further 68 properties. 

Members were reminded of the ongoing Stock Option Appraisal project, noting submission of the Stock Transfer Prospectus to the Department of Communities and Local Government, the outcome to be reported to Cabinet in summer 2013. 


It was added that key performance issues going forward included: major planning applications, noting a benchmarking process with other comparable Local Authorities would be undertaken; occupancy of County Council business premises; Council Plan actions; and the programme of Capital Works for Regeneration and Economic Development (RED).  Members noted the Tracker Indicators set out within the report including the decline in the employment rate, the fall in the number of housing completions, a reduction in the number of retailers in Durham City.  The Committee were reminded of the key risk to the objectives of the Altogether Wealthier theme was the potential impact if repairs to the Seaham North Pier were not undertaken.


The Chair thanked the Performance and Improvement Team Leader and asked Members for their questions. 


Members noted issues in relation to the Tracker Indicator that referred to the number of top retailers in Durham City and whether out of town facilities were impacting negatively on the City Centre; the number of affordable homes being built; whether the sale of land to Developers with a “pay upon completion” clause could help to kick-start building, barriers at the Gala Theatre; and the percentage of the working age population currently not in work who wanted a job.  The Performance and Improvement Team Leader noted she believed that works to the Gala were internal, however this could be confirmed.  The Head of Strategic Programmes and Performance noted that the information used to determine the Tracker Indicator as regards the percentage of the working age population currently not in work who wanted a job was gathered from a 10% sample survey. 


Councillor B Arthur asked whether the future budget referred to as regards the North Pier at Seaham was the Seaham Harbour North Dock Company and Durham County Council (DCC) or DCC alone.  The Head of Strategic Programmes and Performance noted that he would seek clarification on this matter.


Councillor M Wilkes noted for the future work programme of the Committee the issue of Business Asset Stock could be looked at, with perhaps looking at how other Local Authorities boost use of their units.  The Chair noted the suggestion and added that while the Work Programme was on the agenda, the Work Programme would be looked at in June by the new Committee.




That the report be noted.


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