Agenda item

Update - Increasing Young People's Employment Opportunities (18-24) within County Durham:

Progress on recommendations – Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development – Graham Wood, Economic Development Manager, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Chair introduced the Economic Regeneration Manager, Graham Wood who was in attendance to update Members as regards the Committee’s Review Report: “Increasing Young People’s Employment Opportunities (18-24) Within County Durham” (for copy see file of minutes).


The Economic Regeneration Manager explained the update would focus on the work undertaken, ongoing or planned, in relation to the recommendations as made by the Committee in its Review Report.  Councillors were reminded of the disconnect that existed preventing the smooth flow from education into work and were informed of work ongoing with the Children and Adults Services Directorate and Business Durham in helping to identify and remove barriers preventing this flow.  The Committee noted that this would be via European Social Fund (ESF) projects, with a 2 year extension to funding having been secured and the project being out to tender.


Members were reminded that employment, and youth employment, remained as a high priority for most of the Area Action Partnerships (AAPs) and referred Members to Appendix 3 which gave an update on their activities.


The Committee were informed of the work of the County Durham Economic Partnership (CDEP) and noted that the CDEP had given a presentation to the County Durham Partnership (CDP) as regards the role of DCC’s CAS and Regeneration and Economic Development (RED) Directorates in joint working relationships.  Members were reminded of Targeted Recruitment and Training (TRT), working with Partners and enabling opportunities via procurement.  Councillors noted pre-employment programmes and also Business Administration apprenticeships within DCC and apprenticeships and employment opportunities with Housing Providers, including a Social Enterprise setup by East Durham Homes.


The Economic Regeneration Manager explained that there had been events at school Parents Evenings with CAS and RED helping to provide information, advice and guidance in respect of apprenticeships.  Members were reminded of the visit to South West Durham Training (SWDT) and the work they were doing in conjunction with partners in respect of becoming a universal technical college for manufacturing and engineering and of the provision of Youth Contract and Work Programme schemes via Derwentside Training and Groundwork North East.


The Committee learned that there had been 145 payments to 139 employers in respect of the Youth Contract up to 5 December 2012 via the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) and noted the success of this in County Durham, with 96% of those employers noting they would employ an apprentice in the future.


The Chair thanked the Economic Regeneration Manager and asked Members for their questions. 



Councillors asked questions on issues of AAP activities in relation to youth employment; of funding as regards the Infinite Weld Academy; the publicity of the successes of schemes and the good work being undertaken by DCC and partners.  The Economic Regeneration Manager explained that each AAP set their priorities, albeit there was work ongoing as regards youth employment.  It was added that DCC had supported the Task and Finish Group at the East Durham AAP as regards the Infinite Weld Academy Expansion, not financially, rather in helping to identify other funding sources.  Members were reminded that many press releases are issued as regards the successes and activities being undertaken; however the decision to publish was ultimately a decision for the press themselves.




(i)         That the progress made in relation to the 12 recommendations             contained in the Scrutiny review report be noted.


(ii)        That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee at           its meeting on the 9 December 2013 receive a further report detailing            progress made against the recommendations contained in the Scrutiny      review report.

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