Agenda item

Update on the Housing Solutions Service:

Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Economic Development – Lynn Hall, Housing Solutions Manager, Regeneration and Economic Development


The Chair introduced the Housing Solutions Manager, Lynn Hall who was in attendance to give Members an update as regards progress made by the Housing Solutions Service (for copy see file of minutes).


The Housing Solutions Manager referred Members to the report within the agenda papers and reminded Councillors that the Housing Solutions Service had responsibility for homelessness and housing advice, Durham Key Options (DKO) which had been reported to Committee previously, the Family Wise programme and the Family Intervention Service (FIS).  It was noted that the FIS, previously known as the Family Intervention Project (FIP), had received funding for a further 18 months.


The Housing Solutions Manager added that some of the key issues coming through included rough sleepers and the increase in the number of homeless presentations.  It was added that an increase in presentations did offer the opportunity to help people early on in order to help prevent homelessness occurring.  Members noted that the most significant issue for the future would be implications from Welfare Reform changes and noted initiatives such as “Housing Triage”; a temporary Private Landlord Officer and work as regards mutual exchanges of properties in light of under-occupancy as some of the actions being taken.


Councillor J Armstrong noted the good work being undertaken with Housing Providers and noted that issues with the economy in general meant that there was a need to ensure the most vulnerable in our society were protected.  It was added that Welfare Reform could be an issue that could be looked at in some form within the Work Programme for the Committee.




(i)         That the report be noted.


(ii)        That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee receive a further update on the work of the Housing Solutions Service as part of the refresh of the Committee’s Work Programme 2013 – 2015.


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