Agenda item

Homes and Community Agency - Section 106 Renegotiation Report and Outcomes


J Byers, Planning Team Leader (South and West Area) briefed Members on the assessment by the Homes and Community Agency (HCA) into stalled housing sites and whether Section 106 Agreements had an impact on the viability of potential schemes.


Of the 4 schemes in County Durham that had been included by the HCA for further investigation, the assessment had concluded that there were underlying economic reasons for these developments being stalled. It found that the Local Planning Authority was assisting developers where possible in assessing the viability of schemes and in the renegotiation of Section 106 contributions.  The low number of stalled schemes also demonstrated this.  


Councillor Davidson commented that it had been a useful study which showed that the Local Planning Authority was not preventing schemes from moving forward, and suggested that publicity should be given to this.  




That the information be noted and consideration be given to publicising the outcome of the assessment at the Planning Chairs and Vice-Chairs meeting.