Agenda item

Apologies for Absence





At a Meeting of the Joint Committee for the North of England Open-Air Museum held in the Collections Study Room, Regional Resource Centre, Beamish Museum on Friday 15 March 2013 at 10.00 a.m.




Members of the Joint Committee

Councillors Davidson, Gittins, Iveson, C Marshall, Morgan, Naylor, Thomson and Todd (Durham County Council), Goldsworthy and Wallace (Gateshead MBC), Mortimer (North Tyneside MBC), Cunningham and Maxwell (South Tyneside MBC) and Kelly, Richardson and Scott (Sunderland City Council)


Co-opted Members (Non-Voting)

Friends – Mr A Ashburner


Beamish Development Trust – Mrs E Hunter MBE


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Bell, Blakey, Carr, Farry, Shuttleworth, Stoker and Wright (Durham County Council), Green (Gateshead MBC), Bell, Fletcher, Trueman and Walker (Sunderland City Council) and Mr Dix (Friends)


In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Joint Committee, Councillor J Kelly (Sunderland City Council) took the Chair.


1                  Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 January 2013


The minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2013 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, with the inclusion of Mrs E Hunter MBE (Beamish Development Trust), in the attendance.


2      Museum Update


The Joint Committee received a report from the Museum Director that gave an update on Museum business (for copy see file of Minutes).


Performance – at year end 2012/13 the Museum had just missed achieving half a million visitors for the year. It was noted that the periods of inclement weather combined with fewer opening days over the 2012 Christmas period, had affected visitor numbers, nevertheless 2012/13 had been the third highest year on record for visitor numbers.

Fundraising – An overview was provided of the Museum fundraising strategy, with a particular focus on Heritage Lottery Fund applications. An HLF Stage 1 bid had been submitted in February, with a decision expected in May 2013. If successful, the funding would be put towards the “Founding Phase One” capital project as set out in the Future Plan. A further bid was submitted to the HLF Skills for the Future programme in January, again with a decision expected to be announced in May 2013.

EU Funding – Joint Committee Members were asked to spread the message within their respective authorities of the importance of promoting and supporting the Museum, especially as investment in regional tourism was now recognised as a priority in the NE LEP’s independent economic review. The Chair advised that arrangements were being made to hold a conference to be attended by ANEC, the Arts Council and all relevant regional Local Authorities, with the purpose of securing EU Funding for tourism and culture within the region.

Major Partner Museum Project – An update was provided on the Major Partner Museum Project and it was reported that an annual review meeting would be held in March, following which a further report would be brought to the Joint Committee.


In response to questions from Members, the Museum Director detailed how the income figures were calculated and also advised that the Museum had previously explored co-working with cruise ship operators to facilitate day trips for passengers to the Museum.



That the report be noted.


3      Celebrating Community Heritage


The Joint Committee received a presentation from the Community Participation team, regarding the Community Heritage project.


An overview of events held during year 1 of the project was presented, as well as a preview of events planned for year 2.



That the presentation be noted.


4      Revenue Budget Review 2012/2013 and Draft Revenue Budget 2013/2014


The Joint Committee received a report from the Museum Director and Treasurer which provided a review of the Revenue Budget position for 2012/2013, to reflect developments that had occurred since the revised budget was previously approved by Members, and to approve the Draft Revenue Budget for 2013/2014 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Treasurer presented the report and highlighted for Members attention the amendments which had been made.


The 2013/2014 budget had been drafted on the presumption that no  changes in the present structure would occur but that the Committee should be mindful that the new governance proposals currently being developed, would once agreed, result in the eventual closure of the Joint Committee as planned.


Not all Local Authorities had notified of the contributions they would be committing for 2013/14, and the Treasurer advised that he would produce a final budget update report once the position had been clarified.



1.      That the revised Revenue Budget position for the Joint Committee for 2012/2013 as set out in Appendix A of the report, be noted;

2.      That the Draft Revenue Budget for the Joint Committee for 2013/2014 as set out in Appendix A of the report, be approved.


7      Exclusion of the Public



That under Section 100 A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the said Act.




8      Governance & Partnership Review Update


The Joint Committee received a report from the Museum Director and Secretary which provided an update on the ongoing Governance & Partnership review (for copy see file of Minutes).



That the recommendations within the report be approved.


9      Capital Project Update


The Joint Committee received a report from the Museum Director which provided an overview of completed, ongoing and planned capital projects (for copy see file of Minutes).



That the report be noted.