Agenda item

3/2013/0019 - Land at Barrington Street, Toronto, Bishop Auckland

Outline application for the erection of 2 dwellings


The Committee considered a report of the Principal Planning Officer regarding an outline application for the erection of two dwellings on land at Barrington Street, Toronto, Bishop Auckland (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Inch, Principal Planning Officer, gave the Committee a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.  Members of the Committee had visited the site earlier in the day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Councillor S Zair, local Member and representative of Bishop Auckland Town Council, addressed the Committee to speak in opposition to the application.  Councillor Zair referred to the Phase 1 Habitat Assessment of the site which had been carried out and asked why no further Assessments had been undertaken, especially when the habitat of the site was suitable for bats and breeding birds.  He referred to access difficulties to the proposed properties which could be experienced in winter conditions as the access road was on a steep bank.  Councillor Zair informed the Committee that the application site was prone to standing water and expressed concern about drainage issues should properties be constructed on the site.  He asked why a previous application for the site made in 2006 for the erection of 12 dwellings was subsequently withdrawn.


The Principal Planning Officer responded to the issues raised by Councillor Zair.  The Phase 1 Ecology Survey of the site had identified no bat roosts or anything to require a further survey to be undertaken.  Referring to drainage issues, the Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that, due to the topography of the site, surface water from it would not flow onto Barrington Street and added that Northumbrian Water had advised that surface water from the development could be accommodated by the existing surface water drainage network.  The 2006 planning application for 12 dwellings was withdrawn because of access issues and because the site was identified as a greenfield site.  Changes in planning policy since 2006 had shifted the emphasis away from recommending a sequential approach to development towards considering the sustainability of a location.  A Glenwright, Principal DM Engineer informed the Committee that Barrington Street, although on an incline, was not significantly steep.  The application included the provision of a turning head at the end of the street for use by all residents and this would be a beneficial gain.


Mr A Burnett, agent for the applicant, addressed the Committee.  This was an outline application to focus on the principle of development of the site which was identified for only two dwellings.  All issues which had been raised had been addressed and there were no objections from council officers or statutory consultees to the application.



That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

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