Agenda item

Consideration of "Going Concern Status" for the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2013 - Report of Corporate Director, Resources


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources that assessed whether Durham County Council should be considered a ‘going concern’, and whether the accounts should be prepared on that basis (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Assistant Finance Manager, Strategic Finance said that robust needs were in place and linked around financial performance.


In relation to a question from Councillor Southwell, the timetable for the statements of accounts was given.  The two stage process ensures that the Accounts are with the External Auditors by 30 June 2013 with formal approval in September.  He gave assurances that regular weekly meetings were held to evaluate the progress on the accounts.


Mr Hoban asked for clarification on the agreed tri-borough collaboration arrangements detailed in the report and was assured that feedback would be given following the meeting.



That the recommendations contained within the report be agreed.



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