Agenda item

Agreement of Accounting Policies for Application in the 2012/13 Financial Statements - Report of Corporate Director, Resources


The Committee received an update from the Corporate Director of Resources on the County Council’s accounting policies to be applied in the preparation of the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts and to seek confirmation that appropriate policies are being applied (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Assistant Finance Manager, Strategic Finance highlighted the changes to be applied in preparing the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts and asked that delegated authority be approved for the Corporate Director, Resources to amend the policies as and when required and report back to Committee.


Councillor Southwell asked about a whether there was a policy showing the costs to the County Council for having to pay a shortfall of Council Tax, as he could see no indication in the Statement of Accounts.  He referred to the fact that the County Council have to pay a shortfall if tenants receive a discount towards Council Tax.  The Corporate Director, Resources said that all costs would be shown in the budget statement.  He explained that discretionary housing benefit payment had been in place for many years for use by vulnerable families.  The new bedroom tax would affect a lot of families and it was not yet known as to whether the £880,000 from government would be enough to help support such families.



That the recommendations contained within the report be agreed.


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