Agenda item

Final Accounts Timetable for the year ended 31 March 2013 - Report of Corporate Director, Resources


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources that provided Members with the Final Accounts Timetable for 2012/13 detailing the deadlines for key actions to complete the Statement of Accounts in line with statutory deadlines (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Assistant Finance Manager, Strategic Finance gave an update on progress made so far with the preparation to complete the Statement of Accounts.  In 2012/13 there were 69 tasks in the timetable, 47 on time, 13 late, 6 on target, 1 cross-service cutting and 2 n/a.  Of the 13 that were late the actions were detailed on the timetable.  In 2011/12 there were 76 tasks, 54 on time, 19 late and 3 n/a.  There had been no concerns raised about those that were late.  Ongoing discussions were taking place with the auditors with more robust challenges and roles being clarified.  One of the challenges were staff carrying out roles post LGR for the first time however good practice of working together has improved deadlines.


Councillor Southwell commented that staffing structures should be finalised now and people need to be held to account.  He would expect there to be improvements next year.




That the report be noted.

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