Agenda item

Any Other Business


The Chairman agreed that the following items of business were of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration:-


1.         Partnership working – The Committee requested information to be bought back that could provide some assurance on the effectiveness of partnership working, following example referred to by Councillor Temple on the closure of Derwentside Citizens Advice Bureau.


2.         Guidance for elected members on becoming Trustees and their involvement with partnerships – Members asked for assurances to be sought when nominated to act as Trustee or representative to a third party external organisation as the Council’s representative.



That the key areas of strategic risk are assessed, that assurances are provided and mechanisms are in place and report would be brought to Committee to explain the process.



3.         Grants and loans paid to third parties. Councillor Harrison asked  about risks when an organisation changes and the risk identified with clawback of external grants and funds.  Councillor Ord referred to the long term loan to DCC Cricket Club.  The Committee were advised that Audits are planned to review both grants payable and receivable and the outcomes of these will be reported to Committee in due course.



That outcomes will be reported back to Committee.