Agenda item

Response to the 2012/13 Internal Audit Report

Joint Report of the Treasurer to the Joint Committee / Corporate Director of Resources and the Corporate Director of Neighbourhood Services.


The Head of Finance – Financial Services reminded Members that whilst the crematorium had received a substantial assurance rating from the Internal Audit Service, it was good practice to have a response to the Internal Audit Report and reiterated that the “substantial” assurance opinion reflected the excellent work of all involved in relation to internal controls and gave assurance that could be fed into the Annual Governance Statement.


Members noted one minor weakness that had been identified within the report, and that this issue had now been incorporated into the action plan:


“Recommendation 01


Regular Stock checks should be carried out to ensure the Stock book continues to accurately reflect stock held.  Stock should be initialled or signed to demonstrate such stock checks are being undertaken”.


The Joint Committee noted that stock operations had been disrupted during the earlier months of the year as a result of the Cremator Replacement programme and that a full stock review was undertaken as at 31 March 2013, in line with year-end closedown procedures. 


It was added that quarterly stock checks will be undertaken along with reconciliations to the Stock books to address the audit recommendation during 2013/14 onwards.




That the Internal Control requirements and action plan contents (both implemented and required) with regards to addressing the Internal Audit recommendations be noted.

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