Agenda item

B6532 Front Street, Durham Road and Fynway, Sacriston


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services regarding a proposed traffic regulation order on B6532 Front Street, Durham Road and Fynway, Sacriston (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategic Highways Manager gave a presentation to the Committee which included detailed plans and photographs of the areas affected by the proposal.


Following an informal consultation with local councillors, residents, businesses and statutory bodies, one response had been received against the proposal and thirteen in favour.


A statutory consultation was carried out between 24 January 2013 and 14 February 2013 and two objections to the order were received, however one was withdrawn after receiving a response from the Council.


A local resident and landlord of one of the properties affected by the proposal, objected on the grounds that there would be no direct parking available for the tenant of no. 3 West View.  The plan was misleading as it showed space to the rear of the properties for parking cars however, in reality there was not enough space to turn a car.  In addition, the land at the rear of the property was owned in separate sections and the alleyway had to be kept clear to allow access to the other properties.  He suggested a solution to the problem would be to provide residents with parking permits which would enable them to park outside of their own property during restricted times.  He was not against improving the road safety issues but felt it unacceptable that residents would have to park their vehicles 60 yards away from their homes, in front of other properties, which would cause upset amongst other residents.


The Strategic Highways Manager confirmed that the possibility of introducing permits had been considered, however it was not feasible option at the location and considered that ample parking facilities were available further along the road.  The Councils compromise was to introduce ‘no waiting’ between 8am and 6pm so that residents could make use of the road outside of normal working hours.


Councillor Wright supported the proposed traffic order and had been consulted as local member.  She commented that the situation needed addressing and felt that the proposal was the most suitable way to alleviate the issues and make the area safer.


Councillor Allen Turner, local Member, also spoke in support of the proposal adding that parking issues in Sacriston had been on-going for a considerable length of time and felt that the solution offered was a positive way forward.


Councillor D Marshall, a regular user of the road, considered that the current issues were severe enough to assume that an accident was inevitable.


Referring to the surgery car park, Councillor Naylor queried why people had not used it and queried whether the location was suitable and correctly signposted.  Councillor Wright commented that the car park was at the rear of the surgery and people were aware of it, however, people had become accustomed to parking on the road.


Councillor A Bainbridge felt that officers had reached a suitable compromise agreement by allowing residents to use the road outside of normal working hours.


Councillor Turnbull supported the proposal and commented that enforcement officers had to wait five minutes before they could take any action against drivers who had illegally parked and suggested that the situation should be monitored should the proposals be approved.



That the recommendation contained in the report be approved.

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