Events Calendar
26 December 2022 MONDAY

Bank Holiday - Boxing Day

27 December 2022 TUESDAY

Bank Holiday - Christmas Day (substitute day)

28 December 2022 WEDNESDAY

29 December 2022 THURSDAY

30 December 2022 FRIDAY

2 January 2023 MONDAY

Bank Holiday - New Years Day (substitute day)

3 January 2023 TUESDAY

4 January 2023 WEDNESDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

CANCELLED - County Planning Committee - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

5 January 2023 THURSDAY
10.00 am

CANCELLED - Appeals and Complaints Sub-Committee

6 January 2023 FRIDAY

9 January 2023 MONDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

1.30 pm - 4.00 pm

CANCELLED - Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

10 January 2023 TUESDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Area Planning Committee (Central and East) - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

11 January 2023 WEDNESDAY
9.30 am

CANCELLED - General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (3) - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

1.00 pm

Bishop Auckland Stronger Town Board - The Elgar Room - Bishop Auckland Town Hall

1.30 pm

CANCELLED - General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (3) - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

12 January 2023 THURSDAY

13 January 2023 FRIDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Highways Committee - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

16 January 2023 MONDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Adults, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

17 January 2023 TUESDAY
9.30 am

CANCELLED - General Licensing and Registration Committee - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

9.30 am

Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

18 January 2023 WEDNESDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Cabinet - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

19 January 2023 THURSDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

CANCELLED - Area Planning Committee (South and West) - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

1.30 pm - 3.30 pm

Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

20 January 2023 FRIDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

23 January 2023 MONDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

1.30 pm - 4.00 pm

CANCELLED - General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (1) - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

24 January 2023 TUESDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

25 January 2023 WEDNESDAY
10.00 am - 12.00 pm

County Council - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

11.30 am - 1.30 pm

Charter Trustees for the City of Durham - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

2.00 pm - 4.00 pm

Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee - Committee Room 1A , County Hall, Durham

26 January 2023 THURSDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Area Planning Committee (North) - Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham

27 January 2023 FRIDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Corporate Parenting Panel - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

30 January 2023 MONDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Mountsett Crematorium Joint Committee - Chapel - Mountsett Crematorium, Dipton

31 January 2023 TUESDAY
9.30 am

Health and Wellbeing Board - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

1 February 2023 WEDNESDAY
10.00 am

Police and Crime Panel - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham

2 February 2023 THURSDAY

3 February 2023 FRIDAY
9.30 am - 12.00 pm

Special, Adults, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Committee Room 2, County Hall, Durham