Issue - decisions

REG 2931 - Award of REPF Grant Funding to the North Pennines AONB Partnership for the Land of Lead and Silver Project (Table 1 Paragraph 4 (e)) (Part A)

17/07/2024 - REG 2931 - Award of REPF Grant Funding to the North Pennines AONB Partnership for the Land of Lead and Silver Project (Table 1 Paragraph 4 (e)) (Part A)

That the Funding and Programmes Manager in Regeneration, Economy and Growth utilising the delegated powers afforded to her under Part 3, Table 1 Paragraph 4 (d), of the Council’s Constitution awards a total of £59,784 of REPF grant funding to North Pennines AONB Partnership (Durham County Council) for the Land of Lead and Silver (Middlehopeshield) project being satisfied that the proposal meets all

requirements for the grant funding.