Issue - decisions

Bishop Auckland - Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order 2015 - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development

03/12/2015 - Bishop Auckland - Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order 2015 - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development

The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development regarding the possible introduction of residents parking on High Bondgate (for copy see file of minutes).


Prior to the introduction to the report the Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that the proposals relating to James Street contained in the report had been withdrawn because the objection to the scheme had been withdrawn, meaning those proposals would go ahead.  The Committee would therefore be making a decision on the scheme affecting High Bondgate only.


The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that a consultation with residents living in High Bondgate had taken place in 2013.  Nine responses were received from 16 properties with 5 respondents in favour of the proposals.  At that time, the scheme was not progressed in light of the responses received.


Since then the County Council had been contacted by local residents seeking a further consultation for the introduction of a residents parking zone.  The County Council had carried this out whilst other restrictions were being reviewed in the area.  The new consultation took place in July, with eleven responses in favour of a scheme. One resident had opposed the scheme.


The Committee were informed that one resident who had originally supported the scheme had since changed their views following recent large scale events that had taken place in the area. The objector had expressed concern that the scheme wouldn’t guarantee a parking space or include evening and weekend parking, which the Strategic Traffic Manager indicated, was correct. He added that residents parking was an inconvenience and was cumbersome, however, it would resolve residents’ concerns to displace long stay parking.


The Strategic Traffic Manager also informed the Committee that due to the development of the Auckland Castle site and the Eleven Arches project the County Council would be consulting on wider restrictions for the area with residents and stakeholders in the New Year, covering the duration of future events that would be taking place in the area.


Councillor Zair, one of the local members for the area had been unable to attend the meeting and had sent his representations via email.  Councillor Zair had stated that residents parking permits could work in some areas and felt that it would work very well in High Bondgate.  Councillor Zair reiterated his support for the scheme given that the majority of residents were in favour.


The Committee then heard from Councillor J Allen, the other local member for the area who felt that the scheme would be beneficial for the area, particularly in light of a similar scheme introduced in the Cockton Hill area of Bishop Auckland.


The Committee then heard from an objector who explained that the traffic team had carried out an excellent job in Bishop Auckland over the years.  The objector felt the proposal as had been presented was sound, had it been introduced 5-6 years ago when cars parked along High Bondgate from nose to tail, for the entire stretch of road.  However, today, as a resident of High Bondgate there was always space to park multiple cars, at any time of the day.  The objector was of the view that most people were happy for the current parking arrangements to remain following the initial survey and that the second survey had been conducted following insistence by one person who had been continually pushing for the scheme. The objector explained that the recent Bonfire Night event at Auckland Castle had been a disaster in the surrounding area because nobody could get parked.  People living in the area weren’t fearful of the parking situation as it stood at present, however, there was huge local concern about the Eleven Arches project.


The objector felt that the proposed scheme should be put ‘on hold’ and wouldn’t address the more concerning issues regarding the Eleven Arches project and Auckland Castle.


Councillor O Gunn explained that she was familiar with the area and her initial thoughts were that the issue didn’t appear to be a large problem and suggested that the Committee may wish to wait until the further consultation outline by the Strategic Traffic Manager took place and wasn’t sure the scheme offered major benefit for minimal cost.


Councillor Stradling sympathised with the comments expressed by Councillor Gunn and also by the views of the objector, however, he wasn’t from the area and could understand the viewpoint of the local Councillors.


Councillor Kay felt that the objector had made a fair case based on his own experiences. However, there had been eleven positive responses, the two local members were in support and the permit scheme would stop the issues being experienced by residents from occurring and fully supported the proposed scheme.



That the recommendation contained in the report be agreed.