Issue - decisions

NCC 112 - COVID-19 Contain Framework and Local Lockdown Plans (Table 6 Paragraphs 25 & 29) (Part A)

22/09/2020 - NCC 112 - COVID-19 Contain Framework and Local Lockdown Plans (Table 6 Paragraphs 25 & 29) (Part A)

It is recommended that the Corporate Director for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change:


a)    Delegates his authority under Part 3, Table 6, Paragraphs 25 and 29 of the Constitution to all members of the Corporate Management Team to issue a direction under the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) (No.3) Regulations 2020 (‘the Regulations’); and 

b)    Requests that the Decision Record set out at Appendix 7 is completed to demonstrate that the conditions required for a Direction have been met and to evidence authorisation.