Issue - decisions

AS 192 - To commission designated settings unitised beds in County Durham (table 4 Paragraph 1.12) (Part A)

19/11/2020 - AS 192 - To commission designated settings unitised beds in County Durham (Table 4 Paragraph 1.12) (Part A)

a)         Support the local implementation of the updated Government requirement to commission unitised beds to provide care for people who are unable to return to their usual place of residence due to their COVID positive status.  This includes people who usually live in care homes in residential / nursing care placements.  

b)         Note that it is anticipated that Durham CCG will meet the costs of these beds. Arrangements are being put in place as a precautionary measure to enable DCC to act quickly if the CCG cannot meet the costs of unitised beds in full.

c)         Should it be required, agree the proposals to jointly fund, together with County Durham CCG, unitised beds across the County Durham geography at the potential maximum costs outlined in this paper, noting that the number of beds may change over the next six months based on need.