Issue - decisions

AS 210 - Distribution of the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) Rapid Testing Fund (RTF) grant in Durham (Part 3, Table 4, para 1.12) (Part A)

22/02/2021 - AS 210 - Distribution of the Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) Rapid Testing Fund (RTF) grant in Durham (Part 3, Table 4, para 1.12) (Part A)

a) Distribution of 80% of the Rapid Testing Fund to care homes on a per bed basis, as specified by DHSC. This includes the small number of care

homes not contracting with DCC.

b) Distribution of the remaining 20% of the funding to domiciliary care

services, including domiciliary home care, supported living and extra care

services; as permitted by the discretion set out in the DHSC guidance and in recognition of their testing requirements.

c) Redistribution of any funding refused by providers, in line with DHSC grant conditions