ePetition details

Station Hotel, South Hetton repurposing/ demolition

We the undersigned petition the Council to To ensure a compulsory purchase order is completed or take greater enforcement action to repurpose to demolish the Station Hotel in South Hetton which is currently a dilapidated, dangerous disgrace in the centre of the village.

South Hetton is an East Durham Village with so much to offer. Residents care about the village and want to improve their surroundings - we have a thriving community centre, successful cricket club, flourishing businesses and regeneration is occurring rapidly with new homes being built and aspirational updates and gentrification is being completed to existing homes. The local primary school has recently had a very successful Ofsted inspection and we are looking to the future as a community. Unfortunately, right in the centre, opposite our beautiful Church is a building that shows something very different - the Station Hotel is derelict, dangerous (due to vandalism) and compromises the look and feel of our village. We are asking that the council take much more direct and focused action to ensure this building is either repurposed for the benefit of the community or demolished. The space could be used for another venture in line with the values of the community or safely taken down and made aesthetically pleasing. The Parish Council have been asking for this for many years but no action has been taken - we want this to be made a priority.

This ePetition ran from 30/05/2024 to 01/10/2024 and has now finished.

82 people signed this ePetition.

Council response

The Council recognises the impact of vacant properties on local communities and is actively working to address this issue. Our approach to vacant commercial properties, such as the Station Hotel, encompasses a multi-faceted strategy:
1. Identification: Identifying and cataloguing vacant properties within the County.
2. Establishment: Determining property ownership and gathering relevant information.
3. Engagement: Actively engaging with property owners to explore available options for property improvement or redevelopment. This includes providing guidance on planning regulations, available funding opportunities, and potential uses.
4. Encouragement: Promoting the redevelopment of vacant properties through various incentives and support mechanisms.
5. Enforcement: Utilizing available enforcement powers, such as issuing notices or pursuing legal action, as a last resort when all other avenues of engagement have been exhausted.

Regarding the Station Hotel specifically, the Council has been closely monitoring its condition. Observations during the summer months indicated an increase in anti-social behaviour within the property and a noticeable deterioration in its physical condition.

The Council has been in ongoing communication with the property owner, advising them of the necessary steps to secure and safeguard the property. A meeting is scheduled for early in the new year to discuss the owner's plans for the property's future.

To facilitate the redevelopment process, the Council has prepared a development brief outlining potential future uses for the building/site that align with local planning policies and community needs. This brief will also include cost estimates for potential remedial works and redevelopment options to assist the owner in making informed decisions.

The Council will continue to monitor the property's condition to ensure public safety and prevent further deterioration. While the current condition of the property does not yet warrant immediate intervention, the Council will closely monitor the situation and utilise available enforcement powers if necessary.

The use of compulsory purchase powers is considered a measure of last resort and is only pursued after all other avenues of engagement and enforcement have been exhausted. The Council has a duty to demonstrate that all reasonable steps have been taken to acquire the property through negotiation before considering compulsory purchase.
The Council appreciates your concerns regarding this matter and remains committed to addressing the issue of vacant properties within the county. We will continue to work diligently to find suitable solutions for the redevelopment of the former Station Hotel.