ePetition details

Salters Lane Footpath for walkers

We the undersigned petition the Council to build a simple footpath along the length of Salter's Lane from the Nature Reserve into Trimdon Grange.

There are many lovely places to walk around these areas, however the journey between is not always accessible. The road into Trimdon Grange from Wingate Nature Reserve is a 60mph road flanked by uncut grass, a ditch, hedgerows, and garbage. Walking along that road is dangerous, but leads to some of the nicest walks around the nature reserve and through the public rights of way.

Drivers and passengers will bellow to walk in the grass which is often saturated even on a clear day, often overgrown to knee high, and there is a lot of trash lining the road.

Additionally, at the end of the road on the T-junction, the grass is very narrow and cars pull into the junction at speed making it a very dangerous point on the road. A footpath would provide some safety and security for walkers without taking away from road users.

This ePetition ran from 15/08/2023 to 15/10/2023 and has now finished.

One person signed this ePetition.