Issue details

Introduction of Food Waste Collections and other recycling changes across County Durham. To outline forthcoming legal requirements for changes in waste collections known nationally as "Simpler Recycling".

Decision type: Key

Decision status: For Determination

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/08/2024

Decision due: 18 Sep 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change

Department: Neighbourhoods and Climate Change

Consultation process

Officers have consulted and visited other councils who already provide food waste collections. No public consultation or engagement proposed at this stage of development

Ref No:: NCC/2024/003


  • (a) Waste and Resources Strategy, (b) Environment Act 2021, (c) The Environment Act 2021 (Commencement No. 9 and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2024