Committee Structure
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Adults, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Adults, Wellbeing and Health Scrutiny Committee
All Together for Spennymoor
Annual Council (TDC)
Annual Meeting of the District Council of Easington (EDC)
Appeals and Complaints Committee
Appeals and Complaints Sub-Committee
Appeals Committee (WVDC)
Appointments Committee (WVDC)
Area 1 Forum (SBC)
Area 2 Forum (SBC)
Area 3 Forum (SBC)
Area 4 Forum (SBC)
Area 5 Forum (SBC)
Area General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (Central and East Durham)
Area General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (North Durham)
Area General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (South and West)
Area Planning Committee (Central and East)
Area Planning Committee (North)
Area Planning Committee (South and West)
Audit and Governance Committee (TDC)
Audit Committee
Audit Committee (CleS)
Audit Committee (DCC)
Audit Committee (EDC)
Audit Committee (SBC)
Audit Overview Committee (CofD)
Audit Scrutiny Committee (EDC)
Beamish Joint Committee
Bishop Auckland Stronger Town Board
Borough Parish Relations Working Party (SBC)
Cabinet (CofD)
Cabinet (DCC)
Cabinet (SBC)
Central Area Forum (EDC)
Central Durham Crematorium Joint Committee
Central Resources Committee (WVDC)
Charter Trustees for the City of Durham
Chief Officer Appointments Committee
Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Coastal Area Forum (EDC)
Combined Fire Authority for County Durham and Darlington
Combined Fire Authority for County Durham and Darlington Appeals Committee
Combined Fire Authority for County Durham and Darlington Audit and Finance Committee
Combined Fire Authority for County Durham and Darlington Human Resources Committee
Combined Fire Authority for County Durham and Darlington Performance Committee
Communities Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Community Safety & Strong Communities Scrutiny (DDC)
Community Safety Scrutiny Panel (DDC)
Community Services Committee (WVDC)
Community Services Scrutiny Committee (EDC)
Community Services Scrutiny Panel (CofD)
Corporate Issues Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board
Corporate Parenting Panel
Corporate Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Council (CleS)
Council (CofD)
Council (DDC)
Council (EDC)
Council (SBC)
Council (TDC)
Council (WVDC)
County Council
County Council (DCC)
County Council (SBC)
County Durham Local Access Forum
County Planning Committee
Development Control and Regulatory Panel (EDC)
Development Control Committee (CofD)
Development Control Committee (DDC)
Development Control Committee (SBC)
Development Control Committee (WVDC)
District Council of Easington (EDC)
Durham Central Joint Crematorium Committee (CofD)
Durham Darlington and Teesside, Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby STP Joint Health Scrutiny Commit
Economic Scrutiny Panel (CofD)
Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Economy Scrutiny Panel (DDC)
Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Electoral Arrangements Advisory Group (CleS)
Employment Issues Panel (SBC)
Environment and Health Scrutiny Panel (DDC)
Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Environment Scrutiny Panel (CofD)
Environment Scrutiny Panel (DDC)
Environment Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Executive (CleS)
Executive (DDC)
Executive (EDC)
Executive Committee (DCC)
Executive Committee (TDC)
Executive, Leader - Deputy Leader Scrutiny (DDC)
Extraordinary District Council of Easington (EDC)
General Licensing and Registration Committee
General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (1)
General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (2)
General Licensing and Registration Sub-Committee (3)
Grants Sub Committee (TDC)
Green Communities Advisory and Review Panel (CleS)
Health and Wellbeing Board
Health Scrutiny Panel (DDC)
Health Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Healthy Borough With Strong Communities Overview And Scrutiny Committee (SBC)
Highways Committee
Highways Committee (DCC)
Housing Services Committee (WVDC)
Housing Sub-Committee (WVDC)
Human Resources Committee (DCC)
Implementation Executive (DCC)
Joint General Licensing and Registration and Statutory Licensing Committee
Joint OSC for the NE & North Cumbria ICS and County Durham and Southern ICPs
Joint Overview and Scrutiny Working Group (WVDC)
Land Disposals Sub-Committee (WVDC)
Learning and Economy Scrutiny (DDC)
Learning Scrutiny Panel (DDC)
Leisure and Neighbourhood Overview and Scrutiny Panel (CleS)
Licensing Registration and General Purposes Sub-Committee (DCC)
Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee (DCC)
Local Pension Board
Mountsett Crematoria Joint Committee
Mountsett Crematorium Joint Committee
Murton Neighbourhood Forum (EDC)
North Area Forum (EDC)
North East Joint Health Scrutiny Committee
Oral Health - Joint Adults, Wellbeing and Health, Children and Young People's and Environment and Su
Overview & Scrutiny Committee 1 (SBC)
Overview & Scrutiny Committee 2 (SBC)
Overview & Scrutiny Committee 3 (SBC)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (DCC)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (External and Internal) (WVDC)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (External) (WVDC)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Internal) (WVDC)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (TDC)
Overview and Scrutiny Committee (WVDC)
Overview and Scrutiny Grants Review Working Group (WVDC)
Overview and Scrutiny Management Board
Overview and Scrutiny Management Board (CleS)
Papers pack new agenda.pdf
Parish Forum (TDC)
Partnership and Efficiency Overview and Scrutiny Panel (CleS)
Partnerships Scrutiny Committee (EDC)
Pension Fund Committee
Pension Fund Committee (DCC)
People and Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee (CleS)
Planning Committee (CleS)
Planning Committee (DCC)
Planning Committee (TDC)
Police and Crime Panel
Policy and Strategic Development Committee (WVDC)
Policy Scrutiny Panel (CofD)
Prosperous and Attractive Borough Overview and Scrutiny Committee (SBC)
Regeneration and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Panel (CleS)
Regeneration Committee (WVDC)
Regeneration Services Scrutiny Committee (EDC)
Resources Scrutiny Committee (EDC)
Review of Stroke Rehabilitation Services in County Durham and Darlington and the future of Inpatient
Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Scrutiny Committee (CofD)
Scrutiny Committee (DCC)
Seaham Neighbourhood Forum (EDC)
Service Delivery Scrutiny Committee (EDC)
Shadow Police and Crime Panel
South Hetton Neighbourhood Forum (EDC)
Special Audit Committee (EDC)
Special Cabinet (DCC)
Special Community Services Scrutiny Committee (EDC)
Special Development Control and Regulatory Panel (EDC)
Special District Council of Easington (EDC)
Special Executive (EDC)
Special Joint Meeting of General Licensing and Registration and Statutory Licensing Committees (DCC)
Standards Committee
Standards Committee (CleS)
Standards Committee (CofD)
Standards Committee (DCC)
Standards Committee (EDC)
Standards Committee (SBC)
Standards Committee (TDC)
Standards Committee Hearing Panel
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
Statutory Licensing Committee
Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee
Strategic Leadership Overview and Scrutiny Committee (SBC)
Strong Communities Scrutiny Panel (DDC)
Welfare Working Party (SBC)
West Area Forum (EDC)
Woodhouse Close Inquiry Panel (WVDC)
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Abley, Councillor Mark Abley
Adam, Councillor Eddy Adam
Adcock-Forster, Councillor Robert Adcock-Forster
Anderson, Councillor Viv Anderson
Andrews, Councillor Veronica Andrews
Atkinson, Councillor Jim Atkinson
Atkinson, Councillor Peter Atkinson
Batey, Councillor Alison Batey
Batey, Councillor Karan Batey
Bell, Councillor Alan Bell
Bell, Councillor Christine Bell
Bell, Councillor Richard Bell
Bihari, Councillor Curtis Bihari
Binney, Councillor Gordon Binney
Blakey, Councillor Jan Blakey
Boyes, Councillor David Boyes
Brown, Councillor David Brown
Brown, Councillor Liz Brown
Cairns, Councillor Julie Cairns
Chaplow, Councillor Jean Chaplow
Charlton, Councillor Joyce Charlton
Charlton-Lainé, Councillor Rochelle Charlton-Lainé
Clark, Councillor June Clark
Cochrane, Councillor Ivan Cochrane
Cosslett, Councillor James Cosslett
Coult, Councillor Bev Coult
Crute, Councillor Rob Crute
Currah, Councillor Mike Currah
Deinali, Councillor Stacey Deinali
Duffy, Councillor Terry Duffy
Earley, Councillor Kevin Earley
Elmer, Councillor Jonathan Elmer
Fantarrow, Councillor Karen Fantarrow
Fenwick, Councillor Louise Fenwick
Fletcher, Councillor Christine Fletcher
Freeman, Councillor David Freeman
Griffiths, Councillor Julie Griffiths
Gunn, Councillor Olwyn Gunn
Hall, Councillor David Hall
Hampson, Councillor Carole Hampson
Haney, Councillor Dominic Haney
Hanson, Councillor Angela Hanson
Hawley, Councillor Karen Hawley
Heaviside, Councillor Phil Heaviside
Henderson, Councillor Ted Henderson
Henig, Councillor Simon Henig
Higgins, Councillor John Higgins
Holmes, Councillor Luke Allan Holmes
Hood, Councillor Chris Hood
Hopgood, Councillor Amanda Hopgood
Hovvels, Councillor Lucy Hovvels
Howarth, Councillor Diane Howarth
Howey, Councillor Joanne Howey
Hunt, Councillor Cathy Hunt
Hutchinson, Councillor Gary Hutchinson
Jackson, Councillor Andrew Jackson
Johnson, Councillor Matt Johnson
Jones, Councillor Neville Jones
Jopling, Councillor Patricia Jopling
Kay, Councillor Charlie Kay
Kellett, Councillor Bill Kellett
Kennedy, Councillor Leanne Kennedy
Lines, Councillor Chris Lines
Maddison, Councillor Liz Maddison
Manchester, Councillor Richard Manchester
Marshall, Councillor Carl Marshall
Martin, Councillor Craig Martin
Mavin, Councillor Eric Mavin
Mavin, Councillor Lesley Mavin
McAloon, Councillor Billy McAloon
McDonnell, Councillor Susan McDonnell
McGaun, Councillor Mike McGaun
McKenna, Councillor David McKenna
McKeon, Councillor Maura McKeon
McLean, Councillor Ian McLean
McMahon, Councillor Sam McMahon
Miller, Councillor Jake Miller
Moist, Councillor Bill Moist
Molloy, Councillor Pete Molloy
Mulholland, Councillor Declan Mulholland
Nicholls, Councillor Dan Nicholls
Nicholson, Councillor Joan Nicholson
Oliver, Councillor Douglas Oliver
Ormerod, Councillor Richard Ormerod
Peeke, Councillor Elaine Peeke
Potts, Councillor Robert Potts
Pringle, Councillor Paul Pringle
Purvis, Councillor John Purvis
Quinn, Councillor Joe Quinn
Quinn, Councillor Shirley Quinn
Reed, Councillor Anne Reed
Richardson, Councillor George Richardson
Roberts, Councillor Isabella Roberts
Robinson, Councillor Stephen Robinson
Robson, Councillor Ken Robson
Rooney, Councillor Kathryn Rooney
Rowlandson, Councillor James Rowlandson
Savory, Councillor Anita Savory
Scott, Councillor Elizabeth Scott
Scurfield, Councillor Julie Scurfield
Sexton, Councillor Paul Sexton
Shaw, Councillor Kevin Shaw
Shield, Councillor Alan Shield
Shuttleworth, Councillor John Shuttleworth
Simmons, Councillor Mamie Simmons
Simpson, Councillor Arnie Simpson
Smith, Councillor George Smith
Smith, Councillor Tracie Smith
Stead, Councillor Michael Stead
Stelling, Councillor Watts Stelling
Sterling, Councillor Angela Sterling
Stoker, Councillor David Stoker
Stubbs, Councillor Tony Stubbs
Surtees, Councillor Angela Surtees
Sutton-Lloyd, Councillor David Sutton-Lloyd
Taylor, Councillor Paul Taylor
Tinsley, Councillor Fraser Tinsley
Townsend, Councillor Samantha Townsend
Varty, Councillor Chris Varty
Waldock, Councillor Emma Waldock
Walton, Councillor Michelle Walton
Watson, Councillor Alex Watson
Watson, Councillor June Watson
Wilkes, Councillor Mark Wilkes
Wilson, Councillor Marion Wilson
Wilson, Councillor Simon Wilson
Wood, Councillor Danny Wood
Yorke, Councillor Rob Yorke
Zair, Councillor Sam Zair
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period