Durham County Council Cabinet Forward Plan and North East Combined Authority (NECA) Forward Plan

Cabinet, 2025

North East Combined Authority (NECA)

The Forward Plan for the North East Combined Authority (NECA) is published in accordance with the requirements of the Combined Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny Committees, Access to Information and Audit Committees) Order 2017 and the NECA Constitution and gives 28 clear days’ notice* of the decisions that are planned to be taken by the NECA, or by a Chief Officer under delegation.

View the North East Combined Authority Forward Plan

Durham County Council Executive (Cabinet)

Key decisions scheduled to be made by the Council's Cabinet or by Council Officers are set out below.

Reports which are subject to a key decision being made by our Cabinet (providing they do not disclose any exempt or confidential information) will be available on the relevant Cabinet meeting pages on the Council's website 5 clear days before the meeting. If an item had not been included on the notice of Key Decisions in line with requirements, but had complied with special urgency provisions, notices to that effect will appear next to the corresponding item on the key decisions list, and relevant Cabinet meetings page.

Please note that some key decisions may need to be made by the Executive in private. A notice will be published to the corresponding item on the key decisions list and on the relevant Cabinet meetings page should that be the case. Please see notices for further details on how to make representations and when further notices will be published.

Reports which are subject to a key decision being made by a Council Officer (providing they do not disclose any exempt or confidential information) will be available on the relevant Officer Decisions page

The key decisions notice sets out issues likely to be the subject of a key decision made by our Cabinet or by Council Officers.

It will contain the following:

The notice is divided into four sections, as listed below: