Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Durham. View directions
Contact: Amanda Stephenson
03000 269703
No. |
Item |
1. |
Apologies for Absence
2. |
Substitute Members
3. |
Declarations of Interest
4. |
Minutes PDF 217 KB
5. |
Applications to be determined
5a |
DM/23/02174/OUT - Land to the West of Five Arches, Evenwood Lane, Evenwood PDF 631 KB
Outline application for the
erection of up to 10no. dwellings and associated works (all matters
Additional documents:
- Submitted Application Forms, Plans and supporting documents, Statutory and Internal and External consultation responses:, item 5a
- National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Practice Guidance Notes, County Durham Plan (2020):, item 5a
- County Durham Plan Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2019), Durham County Council Open Space Needs Assessment (2018), Trees, Woodlands and Hedges SPD (2024), Development Viability, Affordable Housing and Financial Contributions SPD (2024), Residential Amenity Standards SPD (2023), Parking and Accessibility SPD (2023), County Durham Building for Life SPD (2019:, item 5a
- CIHT Better Planning, Better Transport, Better Places (2019):, item 5a
- CIRIA The SuDS Manual (2015):, item 5a