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Substitute Members
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Declarations of Interest
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Minutes PDF 84 KB
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Applications to be determined
5a |
DM/21/02861/FPA - Land to the east of Fern Dene, Knitsley Lane, Templetown PDF 880 KB
Proposed development of 170 residential
dwellings with associated infrastructure and open space (revised
description 16/12/2024)
Additional documents:
- Submitted application form, plans, supporting documents and subsequent information provided by the applicant, statutory, internal and public responses:, item 5a
- National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Policy Guidance Notes and County Durham Plan (2020):, item 5a
- County Durham Plan supporting documents: County Durham Settlement Study (2018), County Durham Plan Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2019), County Durham Building for Life SPD (2019), Open Space Needs Assessment (OSNA), Supplementary Planning Documents: County Durham Building for Life SPD (2019), Residential Amenity Standards SPD (2023), Parking and Accessibility SDP (2023), Development Viability, Affordable Housing and Financial Contributions SPD (2024), Trees, Woodlands and Hedge, item 5a
- CIHT Better Planning, Better Transport, Better Places (2019):, item 5a
CIRIA The SuDS Manual (2015) , item 5a
5b |
DM/24/02829/VOC - Plot D Land At Aykley Heads, Framwelgate Peth, Durham, DH1 5UQ PDF 815 KB
Variation of
Conditions 1 (Approved Plans), 2 (Floor Space and Use Classes), 5
(Travel Plan) and 10 (Ecology) pursuant to hybrid planning
permission DM/20/01846/FPA, to create a Data Centre and ancillary
office space (Use Class E(g)(ii)) with associated landscaping and
infrastructure on Plot D
Additional documents:
- Submitted application form, plans, supporting documents and subsequent information provided by the applicant, statutory, internal and public responses:, item 5b
- National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Policy Guidance Notes and County Durham Plan (2020):, item 5b
- County Durham Plan supporting documents: County Durham Settlement Study (2018), County Durham Plan Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2019), County Durham Building for Life SPD (2019), Open Space Needs Assessment (OSNA), Supplementary Planning Documents: County Durham Building for Life SPD (2019), Residential Amenity Standards SPD (2023), Parking and Accessibility SDP (2023), Development Viability, Affordable Housing and Financial Contributions SPD (2024), Trees, Woodlands and Hedge, item 5b
- County Durham Landscape Strategy (2008) and County Durham Landscape Character (2008), item 5b
5c |
DM/24/02888/RM - Plot D Land At Aykley Heads, Framwelgate Peth, Durham, DH1 5UQ PDF 839 KB
Reserved Matters
submission for the matters of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and
Scale pursuant to hybrid planning permission DM/20/01846/FPA, to
create a Data Centre and ancillary office space (Use Class
E(g)(ii)) with associated landscaping and infrastructure on Plot
Additional documents:
- Submitted application form, plans, supporting documents and subsequent information provided by the applicant, statutory, internal and public responses:, item 5c
- National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Policy Guidance Notes and County Durham Plan (2020):, item 5c
- County Durham Plan supporting documents: County Durham Plan Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2019), County Durham Building for Life SPD (2019), Residential Amenity Standards SPD (2023), Parking and Accessibility SDP (2023), Trees, Woodlands and Hedges SPD (2024):, item 5c
- County Durham Landscape Strategy (2008) and County Durham Landscape Character (2008), item 5c
5d |
DM/24/00783/FPA - Land West Of Units 1-3, Admiralty Way, Seaham, SR7 7DN PDF 1 MB
Installation of ground mounted photovoltaic
farm with associated infrastructure, engineering works, access, and
Additional documents:
- Submitted application form, plans, supporting documents and subsequent information provided by the applicant, statutory, internal and public responses:, item 5d
- National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Policy Guidance Notes and County Durham Plan (2020):, item 5d
- County Durham Plan supporting documents: Trees, Woodlands and Hedges SPD (2024), Solar Energy SPD (2024), Development Viability, Affordable Housing and Financial Contributions SPD (2024):, item 5d
- County Durham Landscape Strategy (2008) and County Durham Landscape Character (2008), item 5d
- National Policy Statements for Energy Infrastructure:, item 5d
- There are a further 5 documents.View the full list of documents for item 5d
5e |
DM/23/02510/FPA - Land South-West of West Farm, Stainton, DL12 8RD PDF 1 MB
Construction of a solar farm of circa 16MW,
Battery Energy Storage System, and associated infrastructure
Additional documents:
- Submitted application form, plans, supporting documents and subsequent information provided by the applicant, statutory, internal and public responses:, item 5e
- National Planning Policy Framework, National Planning Policy Guidance Notes and County Durham Plan (2020):, item 5e
- County Durham Plan supporting documents: Trees, Woodlands and Hedges SPD (2024), Solar Energy SPD (2024), Development Viability, Affordable Housing and Financial Contributions SPD (2024):, item 5e
- County Durham Landscape Strategy (2008) and County Durham Landscape Character (2008), item 5e
- National Policy Statements for Energy Infrastructure:, item 5e
- There are a further 7 documents.View the full list of documents for item 5e
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Such other business as, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration